we will meet in the end

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Sheng Mingzhi seemed to be frightened by Lu Jiayan's boldness again.

It took a long time for him to react and grit his teeth and say, "Yes." But not necessarily. Barrage

returned to him at the same time, but with two very different attitudes:

"Yes, it is necessary."

"Pass it on, the sandwich will be born next April."

"I mean I can't hold my grandchild next April and I'll report you both .jpg"

"Well, I'm announcing that chili oil is doing my best, I'm focused on participating, I mean letting me participate (please.) It's really important to me. 

"Today I have a birthday, can you doi show me (the seventh birthday this week"

"Born, can be born, give birth to three."

"@Sheng Mingzhi, the process is very important, privately sent to me."

"I'm so miserable, why Can't I have children, why I don't live in the world of abo (pain mask"

"Little sandwich, my fateful little sandwich [emoji cry]"

"I don't get crazy with spicy sandwiches, what crazy, I'm crazy now because I opened the video of practicing the Dao Battle. "


Sheng Mingzhi simply didn't look at these bullet screens.

Also, calling him a sandwich is outrageous enough, what the hell is a little sandwich? What are the names of the mentally handicapped?

He frowned and casually said, "Don't brush up on the ugly and dead, there are really children who will not take such a weak and mentally handicapped nickname." <

Who knew what the bullet screen misinterpreted him:

"Well, Sheng Mingzhi said that he had already thought of the child's nickname."

"I'm going to be looking forward to some birth literature."

"I said that the three treasures of one child responded to the call of the state, who opposed it?"

"A handful of support!"

Sheng Mingzhi: ...

He was annoyed and angry: "I didn't say I was going to give birth!" 

The barrage continued:

"Continued, Sheng Mingzhi said that he has no plans to have children this year, but next year is uncertain."

"Pass it on, Sheng Mingzhi explained that he would prepare for the second child next year."

"@Sheng Mingzhi, immediately prepare to get pregnant, I am now ready to reincarnate."


In other words, Sheng Mingzhi felt that it didn't matter if he and this group of stupid netizens sprayed each other until dawn.

Don't say that brushing his three treasures, that is, brushing his more outrageous things.

But Lu Jiayan was watching from the side, and from time to time he let out some laughter, making Sheng Ming's face get hotter and hotter.

Netizens ridiculed that there is no lower limit, what words can be said, and after a while, they began to directly omit the step of "reincarnation", directly shouting "Daddy than Mommy" in the bullet screen.

Sheng Mingzhi also occasionally knows that some fans like to manage artists to shout "parents", just like shouting "husband", "wife", "daughter", "son-in-law", a reason, up and shouting.

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