chapter 78: the stage of the gods

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After being diaphragm by Kangxing fans for so many days, I finally raised my eyebrows on the hot search.

Although the way of responding to the aid is very strange, at least it has defeated the Kangxing fans in the topic of the rescue.

As a result, the yin and yang of the other party were exchanged: "Aidou speaks with the stage, what is it to rely on a few hot searches?"

Sheng Mingzhi's deep cabinet fans are also very faceless: "Sheng Mingzhi is an actor, thank you." 

Put Kang Xing powder half dead.

Soon, the voting channel opened, and everyone was busy voting, temporarily putting aside the tearing.

The votes of the trainees were all very tight, especially Kang Xing and Ji Zhao, who were just a few thousand votes.

As a result, the atmosphere on Weibo became very tense.

Almost to the point where you are about to start fighting without a word.

Especially the fans of Kang Xing and Ji Zhao, the ranking has not yet come out, and they have thought about how to settle accounts after the autumn.

Of course, all this guests on the scene are unaware.

After working hard for a few months, everyone was ready to go all out for the final.

After the results of the pre-match draw, the order of the shows was announced.

Kang Xing's performance and Ji Zhao's show are impressively divided into a group!

The barrage was shocked:

"Woc, the program team is making a fuss about this."

"It's hard not to doubt that the draw is set."

"Ji Zhao's dance is OK, I just don't know how Sheng Ming's violin is." <

"Although the previous response was indeed funny, the stage still had to speak with strength."

"I hope Sheng Mingzhi doesn't pull down too much... I was a little nervous too. "


Halfway through the show in the blink of an eye.

The trainees' performance on the night of the final was remarkable, and several good stages have rushed to the hot search and have been vigorously forwarded by the marketing number.

At half past ten, it was finally Kangxing's turn to stage.

After not cooperating with Sheng Mingzhi, Kang Xing gave up the dance performance, and in order to challenge himself on the night of the final, he desperately chose a rap stage.

The guest performer is a very powerful singer teacher.

The song selection was originally a folk song, but after Kang Xing rearranged the lyrics himself, it became a more rock style rap.

I have to say that as the first trainee in the debut battle popularity, Kang Xing's strength cannot be underestimated.

Breaking through on the night of the final, giving up the best dance and choosing rap instead requires a lot of courage. What is more worth affirming is that his rap stage is very well done, and the cooperation with the assistant guests is almost perfect, directly running to the explosion field.

The explosive stage effects, exaggerated dance moves, the typhoon that is arrogant on the stage, and the rap hiding skills that amaze everyone have changed their usual gentle and clean temperament and become the king who rules the stage. The extreme contrast also brought him the ultimate heat, blowing up the entire audience, and even some viewers who were not his fans were also infected.

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