chapter 54: alumni gathering

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at nine o'clock in the evening, shen ling went home, pushed open the living room door, and found sheng mingzhi still sitting in her living room.


the expression was too shocking, causing sheng mingzhi to look at her inexplicably.

shen ling put down the bag: "why haven't you left yet?"

sheng mingzhi:?

realizing that she was saying this sentence incorrectly, shen ling suddenly changed her mouth: "your husband didn't come to you today?"

sheng mingzhi hugged the pillow on the sofa: "i found it." 

"did he apologize to you?"

"that's it."

the topic went back to its original starting point.

shen ling was puzzled: "then why are you still here, don't you go home?"

her logic is right.

lu jiayan came to him, lu jiayan apologized, sheng mingzhi should go home at this time?

in her opinion, sheng mingzhi is thunder and rain, and she does not want to divorce at all.

at most, the young master's temper had been committed again, and he wanted to toss the people around him over and over again, with the purpose of asking lu jiayan to coax him.

"why should i go home?" sheng ming was blunt: "i have no intention of forgiving him."

shen ling: ...

okay, okay.

underestimated sheng ming's childish young master's temper.

it was both unexpected and expected. <

sheng ming paused and spoke unnaturally, "but he said he liked me today."

"i grass?" shen ling immediately forgot about the mingyuan law and sat down next to sheng mingzhi: "lu jiayan doesn't look like a person who can say such a fleshy word!" 

not to say that it was okay, when he said it, sheng mingzhi was also a little suspicious.

"yeah. you feel too. he hesitated, "why do i think he was perfunctory?"

since lu jiayan left, sheng mingzhi had been sitting on the sofa thinking for an afternoon.

apart from the initial shock and disbelief, all that remains is a thick sense of uncertainty.

shouldn't he have made up a lie to lie to him because he didn't want to get a divorce?

"that's not going to happen either. how can your husband's personality put a perfunctory liking for such things? shen ling braced her chin, "then what are you going to do?" still divorced?

as if remembering something, shen ling added: "song yi's movie will definitely not be on, i heard today, shengjia directly said not to invest, who in the industry dares to cooperate without eyesight?" i think lu jiayan's movements are still quite fast, and you don't have to be angry."

...... his mind was no longer on song yi at all.

however, hearing that song yi was unlucky so quickly, sheng mingzhi was still schadenfreude.

moreover, lu jiayan really didn't look like someone who would be emotional and make such a childish act of banning.

so, he's still, very happy.

"oh. shut up my ass, and i didn't let him ban it.

 "yes yes yes." shen ling shunmao, she paused: "but i said, now lu jiayan also likes you a lot, so is this commercial marriage between the two of you still commercial?" 

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