make the essence of the essence

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then more and more barrages popped up:

"okay. it turns out that this b also has two faces.jpg"

"don't be spoiled when there is a lens, is it that we paying users don't deserve to see it?"

"whoever dies, i mean i die."

"well, let's just say that one episode of the show is six days, and i must see you kiss six .jpg"

"grass, this kind of petulant semen i can kiss him to death in one bite!!"

"my mouth is sweet i kiss first!!"

"...... i can't stand it (tears)"

"overtime, boss overtime, boss overtime, boss, boss, this is really important to me!!!"


sheng mingzhi knew nothing about the barrage of the carnival, and still maintained the action of asking for a kiss.

the man who usually cooperates with him to drop a kiss paused for a few seconds today, and then glanced at the live camera above his eyes as if in a vacuum.



"how do i think chili oil looks at me?"

"...... illusion. soon, the barrage found that it was not an illusion at all.

lu jiayan retracted his gaze, got up slightly, and completely turned off the camera before the kiss fell on sheng ming's lips.

the live broadcast room became a black screen.

barrage: "???"

"i grass chili oil you are ???"

"grass... why don't you show me why kissing!!! "i've got my pants off!!"

"we're just saying i'm going to go crazy not to see this kiss."

"who understands, i'm smashing the keyboard now in a frenzy of incompetence and rage."

"i screamed until my mom came in and beat me, chili oil you owe me sugar you use what you use back!!"

"tell me you guys will be fierce for a night, do you swear to me okay.jpg"


there are also a few rational ones:

"no, i alone think the boss is very dark... mingming knew that in the live broadcast, he deliberately did not tell sheng mingzhi...

"and the defiant look at the camera always gives me a sense of showing off , 'my wife is super cute but you don't,' which means my fist is hard (pinched. jpg)"

"who made an emoji for the emoticon that spicy zong just had?"

"i really laugh to death, chili oil is outrageous enough, spicy is always what a newly invented ghost name ahhahahaha finally restoring the privacy of the bedroom, sheng ming ended the kiss unevenly.

lu jiayan still wanted to continue, and sheng mingzhi pushed him: "there will be live broadcast tomorrow morning." it meant telling him to converge a little.

teacher xiaosheng does not want to be stained with any peach hot search.

he was so tired, lu jiayan wouldn't really force him to do anything. <

sheng ming was pillowed on his arm, and there was a pair of chats with him.

"brother jiayan, you've been live for a day today, how do you feel?"

lu jiayan is also the first time to show the audience his private life in the form of a variety show.

while sheng mingzhi was happy, he was a little nervous in his heart.

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