chapter 3: disrespectful to the old

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what could be more embarrassing than meeting your husband at a family dinner and both of them confessing to the wrong person?

if you want to divide the scene of one, two or three social deaths in sheng ming's life, then the current scene is absolutely in the first place.

sheng mingzhi even had tens of seconds, and his brain was blank.

until lu jiayan took a step forward, took off his suit and draped it on his shoulders.

there was already some cool laughter in his voice, unlike a good person, lu jiayan's usual smile hid the knife: "i miss my husband too much, so i look stunned?" oh.

it turned out he meant it.

not only deliberately, but now i also recognize the wrong person.

sheng ming's childish heart slowly calmed down, and then there was a faint burning of anger.

"ming, it's all right."

the tone of the man who was similar to lu jia's extension of seven points was gentle and concerned.

since it was lu jiayan who draped himself.

then the man he recognized the mistake can be imagined, that is, lu jiayan's eldest brother, lu xiao.

he is also lu jiayan's former number one rival.

as the second son, lu jiayan did not have any advantage in shengjia, so he would marry sheng mingzhi to consolidate his family position.

three years of overseas market development has announced the last heir of the lu family, and lu jiayin's return to china at this time also indicates that he is about to take over the position of vice president of the headquarters of shengjia group.

but as lu jiayan's lover, he recognized her husband's nemesis as her husband at the first family banquet when the other party returned to china. <


sheng mingzhi was suddenly a little weak-hearted.

"i'm okay." sheng ming smiled awkwardly, "brother lu, i'm joking with brother jiayan, i'm sorry, you don't see anything strange." he was now embarrassed to dig a pit on the spot and bury himself.

lu xiao was very considerate and went down the pole: "it seems that the amount of wine in mingzhi is the same as before, or so shallow." this oolong who recognized

the wrong person, under the tacit acquiescence of everyone, was quickly sent off with the universal reason of drinking too much.

sheng mingzhi now just wanted to find an excuse to go upstairs to change clothes and leave this sad place that made him die.

as a result, this scene was known to the old man, and he said that he wanted lu jiayan to accompany him.

the two men's wife aifu was located here, and sheng ming's childish eyes could not be dropped, so he had to pretend to be happy and go to the second floor of the villa with lu jiayan.

through the corridor, the boiling voices in the hall seemed to be cut off to another world, and suddenly became quiet.

the embarrassment in sheng ming's heart had not yet passed, and he only left the back of his head for lu jiayan.

the champagne on his clothes smelled of alcohol, which was not good, and sheng ming's childish brow, which had always been a little clean, frowned slightly.

pushing open the door of the cloakroom, the silence along the way was finally broken by lu jiayan.

"sheng mingzhi, i haven't seen you for three years, are you ready to keep looking at me with the back of your head?"

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