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-Speaking of summer, what do you think of?

The red light of the recording camera lit up, one second long, one second shorter, flashing a little.

On the screen, a small piece of the painted world is framed.

"Did you start recording?"


With a "snap" of the board, the next morning's two-person part interview officially began.

Little Strawberry chuckled and said, "Watermelon? Chilled Coke?

Li Meng sighed, "Grill it." Today's recording won't be a barbecue, right? "The bbq was too hot." The footage was recorded by Lu Jin, who shrugged his shoulders: "And I don't do barbecue either." 

"Pretty much looking forward to it." Pei Lexuan answered, and his voice was gentle: "Actually, I still want to go to see fireworks, when there is no anti-smoking fireworks in high school, let go of fireworks." 

"Fireworks can be!" In the shot, Xu Manman excitedly said: "Of course, the fireworks must be released at the beach!"

Ma Xiao echoed: "I listen to Man Man, they are young and like these things." To the last set of shots.

The warm painting style suddenly changed.

The camera looked around on it, but did not find Sheng Mingzhi.

Slowly descending, after seeing the "boss lady" lying on the sofa.

The camera brother whispered, "Teacher Sheng, Teacher Sheng wake up and record the interview!" In the middle of the night, Sheng Mingzhi barely woke up from the return of the cage.

-Speaking of summer, what do you think of?

Whiteboard black characters on the teleprompter.

Sheng Ming glanced at it and buried his head back into his arms.

The voice was wrapped in thick sleepiness, sounding like a child, "... Take a nap. In the summer, you should take a nap. 

The camera brother listened inexplicably with weak legs.

...... This sound is also too foul!!

Lu Jiayan, holding the milk, appeared in the picture and explained: "The meaning of Xiaosheng Teacher's 'nap' is. He tilted his head and raised his tone: "Sleep until noon?" 

In the picture, although Sheng Mingzhi was lying on the sofa, he still stretched out his fist and smashed it on Lu Jiayan's thigh.

Such a fuss, the sleepiness is gone.

The two looked at each other in the picture and laughed.

Sheng Ming sat up lazily.

My heart was full of slander.

Who the hell is this variety show planner?!

Curating this kind of program that gets up at seven in the morning to record footage???

Sheng Mingzhi took a sip of milk and drank it too quickly, and a lot of milk spilled from his lips.

Lu Jiayan glanced at the camera and said lightly, "Cut it off when this section is broadcast." Camera

Big Brother: ?

Director Group: ?

Is there anything wrong with this paragraph???

Sheng Mingzhi inexplicably glanced at Lu Jiayan, as if asking him what kind of madness he suddenly had. <

Unexpectedly, however, he did not get an answer, and he took the time to look at today's itinerary, and the theme was the sea.

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