chapter 16: appearances

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Sheng Mingzhi spent less than a minute explaining it to Shen Ling.

As soon as the message was sent, Shen Ling had no time to reply to him, when he was reprimanded by the second uncle in a low voice: "Xiao Ling, you give me honesty, taking you to the cocktail party is not for you to play with your mobile phone." Aren't you usually the favorite to attend these cocktail parties? Why have you been looking down at your phone today? At

a financial cocktail party in Yunjing, the clothes were fragrant and the shadows were intertwined.

Shen Ling, who was strictly guarded by the second uncle, couldn't help but roll her eyes after hearing these words.

Of course she likes to go to cocktail parties, but are those all young people's parties okay? Sister's skirt slit can not reach the root of the thigh will not go out OK? Who wears the tight cheongsam of this dirt bag?

She couldn't say anything bitterly, and muttered, "Second uncle." Ming Zhi was a little uncomfortable, and I chatted with him.

Speaking of Sheng Mingzhi, the second uncle's face was soothed a little, after all, the famous capital circle of Mingchen Bank was known to everyone, and this little prince was Lu Jiayan's pillow person, and the Shen family had always encouraged Shen Ling to make friends with Sheng Mingzhi.

Shen Ling quickly complained to Sheng Mingzhi in WeChat, but remembered that Sheng Mingzhi was now broadcasting live, and could not disturb too much, so she had to put down her mobile phone sadly.

Just as soon as she looked up, she saw that the second uncle and Lu Jiayan were talking, and on this occasion, Lu Jiayan was invited to attend as a matter of course.

After the second uncle finished chatting with Lu Jiayan, Shen Ling suddenly greeted: "Brother Lu."

Lu Jiayan took a step and turned his head to see Shen Ling, his face showing doubt.

Shen Ling touched her cheek, and to be honest, she was a little afraid of Lu Jiayan.

After waiting for a few seconds, she awkwardly said, "That." Ming Zhi just told me that he was a little uncomfortable, he seemed to be alone in the house. Do you want to go home and have a look?

Sheng Mingzhi put down his mobile phone and looked up. <

The content of the barrage has all changed.

"So red in the face? Watching a movie in a live room? "

Obscene pornography, reported."



Sheng Mingzhi resisted the urge to roll his eyes and looked at his face at the screen.

Very white, where is red?

What rumors are made?

Sheng Ming let out a sneer and blackened all these black powders that said they were going to report him.

Ten minutes after the chicken flew and the dog jumped, Sheng Ming's childish black powder finally jumped and gradually walked away, but there was also the kind of willpower that tenaciously remained in his live broadcast room and raised the bar with him.

Therefore, the live broadcast has reached one-third, and the bullet screen has gradually harmonized.

Xiao Wang led several assistants into the barrage, and under his deliberate guidance, Sheng Mingzhi answered several interesting things about the filming of the "Allure" program group according to the memorized script.

It was only with the passage of time that the long-term high concentration of attention made Sheng Mingzhi's already uncomfortable body sitting at the table heavier, and several times, his expression appeared in a brief trance, and his hands also went from flat on the table to supporting his chin.

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