positive film and broadcast again!

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Not only that, the lack of morality netizens of the bullet screen was even more energetic when they saw Sheng Ming's embarrassed expression to the toes scratching the ground:

"Just a conjecture, not necessarily right, is it possible that Villa No. 1 in Xishan was not bought with chili oil, but was cut out by the toes of small waste?"

Sheng Mingzhi: ...


How can a person lack virtue to such an extent???

Rarely, sheng Ming's group of deep cabinet fans had the upper hand when they were afraid of him.

After landing jiayan, Xiao Zuobi definitely had to pretend to maintain the image of his "little sweet wife", absolutely did not dare to let go of the spray them, and the ridiculous words began to become more and more unlimited:

"Be bold, think of guessing, it is he who cut it out!"

"I told you to read more books a long time ago, and I don't have long eyes?" Society died so many times without remembering sex? 

"It's good that the society died, and I'll do it next time."

"Modo modo, I'm so good!!!"

"What kind of petite can't be in front of our netizens?" My VIP white open? "I'm a student, I don't

have much money, can I show it to me for free?"

"Don't be stingy, tell us about it?"


Seeing the last sentence, Sheng Mingzhi finally returned from the state of social death.

Sneering, "By what?" It's beautiful to think about. After being intimidated by netizens for such a long time, Teacher Xiaosheng is not a vegetarian.

In front of the live camera, he said slowly: "Staring at me all day, don't you have any objects yourself?" ""



This sentence is for netizens.

It's too lethal.

The barrage fell silent for an instant.

I have to say that the understanding of Sheng Mingzhi and black fans over the years has been two-way, and they know where the pain points of the other party are the most.

Laughing to death, how can a star chaser have an object?

"I haven't been so badly injured when I'm fighting in Syria."

"Okay. Stop! Die till you go – please stop torturing each other (puppies clutching their legs and crying)"

"Okay, I quit this sad Internet."

"Don't force it tonight to be a good day for candy."

"I said I was really going to hurt. . . ."

"Give me some bed photos, or I'll warn you that you've offended my human dignity."


Seeing that the topic was gradually degrading, Sheng Mingzhi felt that the heat that had just disappeared on his face had risen again.

It was not that there was no live broadcast before, and at that time, the live broadcast, the more vulgar speeches of the mentally handicapped netizens, but there was no Lu Jiayan around him at that time!

Partial Lu Jiayan still looked quite seriously, so that Sheng Mingzhi began to suspect that this old man occasionally wearing glasses was not myopia at all but to pretend to be .jpg

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