chapter 48: show love

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Suddenly, Sheng Ming's childish throat and eyes seemed to be blocked by something, and not a single syllable could be pronounced.

Not only that, but his heart also seemed to be clenched by a hand, making him breathless.

I have seen Lu Jiayan's spirit and temperament, and I have also seen his ease of playing.

In memory, men always speak and do things without hurry, as if they can do everything.

This was the first time he had seen Lu Jiayan's vulnerable side.

The heart slowly recovered from its tightening state, beating up and down.

Sheng Mingzhi opened his mouth several times, not knowing what to say.

Fortunately, after Lu Jiayan said these words, he fell silent, indulging himself, and unscrupulously enjoying the temperature of Sheng Ming's childish body.

Although the balcony garden was well heated, both of them were thinly dressed.

Snuggling together is a bit like warmth.

All right.

In fact, Sheng Mingzhi is not very comforting.

He scolded people badly, seeing that Lu Jiayan was so sad, he searched his stomach and thought about it for half a day, and he only whispered and dryly said: "Don't be sad." Just

like feeling empathy, Sheng Ming's childish voice muffled, thought about it, and tentatively asked, "Sheng Jia won't really be bankrupt, right?"

He really couldn't think of anything that could make Lu Jiayan so sad, except for Shengjia's bankruptcy.

After all, in this man's heart, work is more important than his wife.

Lu Jiayan smirked again, amused by Sheng Ming's childish and relentless speculation.

Somehow, it seemed as if those dirty pasts had vanished around his young lover, who had been married together.

"Rest assured. SShengjia can afford to support you even if she is bankrupt. Lu Jiayan seemed to think that he was innocent and cute, and rubbed his shoulder: "If you want food, you will also be raised."

...... Big brother, it's not so miserable!

Sheng Ming's childish conscience found out and muttered, "I have money, and I don't need you to raise it."

He thought about it, but still decided to be honest: "Before saying that you are bankrupt, I will divorce you, it is false, you don't have to be too stressed."

 Sheng Mingzhi racked his brains and found that he was not very rich, so he made a strict correction: "I stole my brother's money to raise you." 

This sentence did not know what point it poked at Lu Jiayan.

The man paused, then laughed, and laughed wildly, and the peach blossom eyes were bent into a small bridge.

Perhaps he inexplicably stopped and comforted Lu Jiayan.

Or maybe Lu Jiayan is not a person who is good at exposing his vulnerability by nature.

Even in front of his lover, he had only a brief gaffe.

Soon returned to the usual form.

That flash of fragility and trembling.

It was like an illusion produced by Sheng Mingzhi.

That night, Lu Jiayan was rarely honest in bed and did not use his hands and feet on him.

Just holding Sheng Mingzhi tightly in his arms, as if holding the only charcoal fire in the cold winter.

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