chapter 42: hot search!

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Sheng Mingzhi: ...

What is sophistry? Can't this dog man spit out a good word in his mouth?

However, I am really a little bit inferior now.

Sheng Ming opened his mouth, and his brain organized some explanatory words, when he was about to speak.

He suddenly paused.

Wait a minute.

Why should I explain it to Lu Jiayan?

When did the plastic marriage between the two of them become the extent to which they had to explain themselves to a meal with their college male classmates?

Just when he was struggling.

Lu Jiayan's gaze fell coldly on Xu You, who had not spoken since just now, because of shock.

The man opened his mouth lightly: "It seems that the workload given to you by the company is not saturated enough, so that you still have time to spare time to invite the lady boss to dinner." 

The three words "hostess" are said lightly.

But listening to Xu You's ears, it was already a blast of thunder falling, and his brain was blank, and his throat knot moved, and he hurriedly said: "Sorry, Lu Zong."

When Sheng Mingzhi returned to God, Xu Yu didn't know when he was gone.

He didn't hear anything just now, and then he heard Lu Jiayan say the three words "lady boss.".


The face is really big, who is the boss lady? <

Lu Jiayan pulled open the door of the Bentley, and Sheng Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, but still sat silently in the co-pilot.

The other party got into the car from the other side, and after waiting for Bentley to drive slowly forward for about five minutes, Sheng Mingzhi finally spoke:

"I am a college classmate with him."

Then there was silence in the car.

"Well, sophistry is ineffective." Lu Jiayan looked at his watch: "It took you ten minutes to come up with this explanation?"

Sheng Mingzhi: ...

"Who's sophistry." Retorted by Lu Jiayan' unsalty and unsalty, Sheng Ming's young master's temper came up: "Am I telling the truth?" 

Originally it was to meet a college classmate to have a meal, the old man has something to worry about!

"And you can't be so careful with your eyes." Sheng Mingzhi taught him: "You have to understand the nature of Mr. Xiaosheng's work. 

Lu Jiayan glanced at him: "The nature of the work worth lying to me?" Okay



Count you for good reason.

Sheng Mingzhi could not refute it for a moment.

He didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the car froze for a while.

He didn't expect that he was just going out to dinner with his college classmates, was it worth Lu Jiayan being so angry?

Sheng Mingzhi secretly glanced at the other party, and the man drove intently, ignoring his meaning at all. <

Inexplicably, the grievances in Sheng Ming's heart came up.

At the same time, he also felt that something was wrong, obviously even if he had been before- even if the dog man ignored himself, he would not be so irritable.

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