chapter 10: being responsible

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Sheng Mingzhi felt that this topic could not be discussed anymore.

He simply and honestly shut up, all the way back to Xishan No. 1, and did not speak again.

After returning home, Lu Jiayan received a call from the company and went straight to the study to handle official business.

Sheng Mingzhi was not surprised that this workaholic could squeeze out time to pick him up today and was already called the sun hitting the west side.

In Sheng Ming's memories, Lu Jiayan seemed to have been busy all the time.

When I became an adult, I was busy fighting with my brother and working. When I was young, I was busy studying and participating in various elite trainings in my spare time.

It is said that he grew up with him, but in fact, Sheng Mingzhi could not see him many times before.

Occasionally seeing him, it was also when he went out with Sheng Xu, and his brother led him and Sheng Xue, like two small drag oil bottles.

The Sheng family has a total of three children, the eldest brother is Sheng Xu, and Sheng Mingzhi and Sheng Xue are twins.

Five years younger than Sheng Xu, in Sheng Ming's memories, his boyhood did not have the participation of his parents, and he was basically brought up by Sheng Xu.

Probably Lu Jiayan was also very annoyed with him at that time, and their high school students looked down on children a little--because they went to sing K and drink, and they didn't let the elementary school students in.

Thinking of this, Sheng Mingzhi gritted his teeth and was so angry that he almost threw two punches at the air.

Lu Jiayan was very popular when he was studying, and his grades were good and he was a school grass, not only that, but his personality was also popular, and he was always surrounded by all kinds of friends.

Whether it is with the outstanding top students in the school, or with his brother Shengxu, who is a campus bully, Lu Jiayan is always the most eye-catching figure in their center. <

Even though he was a schoolboy at that time, he could still tell this fact from the gifts and love letters that Lu Jiayin received every Christmas.

At that time, the school flowers that had spread the rumor with Lu Jiayan grabbed one by one, and even their elementary school department had heard about it.

To tell the truth, Sheng Mingzhi did not feel that he could marry Lu Jiayan in the future, or that he did not think that it was himself who would last be with Lu Jiayan.

It's outrageous open door to outrageous, outrageous to home.

Sheng Mingzhi shook his head and removed the old things from his memory.

When he came out of the shower, the light in the study was still on, and Sheng Ming's footsteps paused for a moment, and then he slowly walked into his bedroom.

Married for three years, the two have not slept in the same bed.

There was not before, and it is estimated that it will not be in the future, and it is estimated that the next life will be like this.

Sheng Mingzhi was lying on the bed, somehow thinking of when he had just gotten married.

Lu Jiayan married the Sheng family purely to use the power of the Sheng family to suppress his brother Lu Xiao.

And Sheng Mingzhi is undoubtedly the best candidate to get married.

It just so happens that Lu Jia is very handsome and rich, and Sheng Mingzhi is not very interested in girls, and he hit it off, and he has been confused for three years.

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