chapter 14: stomach pain

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lu jiayan's unforeseen eyes startled sheng mingzhi, so that his brain went blank for a moment.

for a short time, it was temporarily impossible to distinguish whether it was lu jiayan pretending to sleep to deceive him more hateful, or whether the other party slandered and rumored that he was more hateful to peek at him.

after three seconds of fragmentation, sheng ming's spirit of flying in the sky finally returned.

at the same time, the little ancestor finally grasped the focus of his greatest concern.


peeking at him?

sheng mingzhi peeked at lu jiayan?

does he have extra eyes not to want to donate? peek at lu jiayan?? and not afraid of their own needle eyes?!

sheng ming's childish anger hardly needed to brew, and it was ignited in a second.

angry, he asked, "i peeked at you?"

lu jiayan still had one eye open and looked at him narrowly.

cheekily reclining on the couch, he nodded, "hmm. but it's just the two of us here, and you don't have to stress it again. also emphasized? also "hmmm"?!

sheng ming smiled childishly, "ha" and nodded, "yes." i'm looking at you. i'll see how thick your skin is. after

lu jiayan listened, he didn't get up and raised an eyebrow: "why do you still scold people?" don't today's young people like to hear the truth? the

three words "young man" were emphasized by his accentuated tone.

vengeance is visible to the naked eye, and be careful with the eyes.

very good, then i still hit people, believe it or not? <

sheng mingzhi spat fiercely in his heart, and his eyes fell on his face, but he did not say this sentence.

the light scattered on lu jiayan's body, giving him a soft layer of light.

he was like a cozy cat, unloading his guard on the outside, and seemed to reveal a side that only sheng mingzhi could see.

both rogue and nasty.

it's like a hanging lang dang.

i have to say that being handsome still has an advantage.

after sheng mingzhi looked at it, his anger subsided a little, and he suddenly found that lu jiayan's behavior was extremely childish, was he pretending to sleep in the living room for half a day just to wait for him to see, and then grabbed his own pigtails and sneered fiercely?

what was even more speechless was that sheng mingzhi found that he had wasted the precious twenty minutes of his life on his childish behavior.

too lazy to pay attention to him.

elementary school chickens are more mature than he is.

sheng mingzhi did not want to waste time with him and was ready to turn around and leave.

who knew that before he could turn around, lu jiayan suddenly got up from the sofa.

the height difference between the two is obvious, causing sheng mingzhi to fall into a disadvantage in an instant.

in the case of the other party's extremely oppressive feeling, he subconsciously took a step back.

lu jiayan bent down slightly, leaned forward a little, and there was a smile hidden in his tone, and some drunkenness: "i guessed the truth, so i fled into the wilderness?" guess your mom.

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