chapter 43: reversal!

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Only a minute after the forwarding of Yunjing University, the comment area was attacked by netizens who ate melons:




A single row of question marks.

It wasn't until article 10 that someone reacted, but the tone was still shocked:

"You stole your number?"

"As long as you explain, I can believe that Sheng Mingzhi bought the water army and bought it on your head."

"I have repeatedly clicked on the Beijing University to confirm that it is Beijing University, and then clicked on the Kaisheng Mingzhi Weibo to confirm that it is Shengmingzhi, repeated ten times, and now I am beginning to doubt my own life."

"A scene of déjà vu, the last time I was so shocked was the last time."

"Louis Vuitton forwarded Sheng Ming's weibo once?"

"Grass, Sheng Ming, worthy of you, how many surprises you still have is .jpg I don't know"


Passers-by commented:

"Am I the only one curious, why do you say that he is the legendary school grass?"

Beijing University Official Bo specifically picked this reply:

"I vaguely remember that on the day of the opening of the school year in September 19, the senior students of the Department of Finance all went to watch him, and you can't imagine the grand situation on that day (dog head)"

Comments also have students of Beijing University:

"Grass, the DNA of 19 years of enrollment moved, I remember! We all know about the Department of Foreign Languages!"

"I remember, I was really young at that time, the forum was all brushed by his photos that day, and the student council opened a special section to discuss him."

"My God, I didn't expect him to go to the entertainment industry."

"The last time that kind of onlookers happened was the last time."

"Oh, the day Lu Jiayan enrolled was it, indeed."

"I remember that before Sheng Mingzhi entered the school, the grass of Beijing University had always been Lu Xuechang 2333"

"The metaphysics of the school grass of the Department of Finance has once again appeared."


At the same time, Sheng Mingzhi's Weibo of "treating diseases and diseases" also exploded.

The admission letter of Yunjing University blew up the diving netizens, just like the bottom of the Beijing University official Blog, a row of question marks passed, and only then did someone issue a normal comment.

"You P's?"

"Woc, little waste, you graduated from the Finance Department of Beijing University?"

"It shook my whole family."

"Why don't you show your academic qualifications if you have this degree?" In your heart, showing off your wealth is more important than showing off your education?

"I can't stand you anymore, wife."

"Although I know that every time the incident about your b will be bizarrely reversed, but this time this result I really did not expect to .jpg"

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