EXTRA love roundup

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After the end of the Year, the endorsements of major brands are still not dead, and the person in charge contacts Xiao Wang, hoping to establish a good brand relationship with Sheng Mingzhi.

Xiao Wang thought that it is useless for you to find me now, Xiao Zuzu from the moment his identity was exposed, all the decision-making power has been returned to himself, whether to go or not is Sheng Mingzhi's decision, Xiao Wang is now a nominal agent, Xiao Zuzu thinks of himself every day when he is still in the entertainment circle, he will follow the service and do some errands.

Since Sheng Mingzhi recorded "Intern", he has not received any endorsements and variety shows.

During the period, he was invited by Teacher Hu Tianji of Yunjing Conservatory of Music to go to the United States to participate in several violin concerts, and the three concerts were very successful, winning unanimous praise in the industry, so far, those black fans on the Internet who were not dead set to create rumors about sheng Mingzhi before the team composed music on the stage finally disappeared.

Although there is still dissatisfaction on the Internet bb Sheng Mingzhi is talented and how, but if he does not have Sheng Jia as a background, how can he stand in the music circle so quickly, and let several old artists follow suit.

Of course, Sheng Ming's childish deep cabinet powder is not willing to show weakness, and one sentence will block people's homes: "Come on." In the next life, I will also cast a good fetus. The powder is

steamed, the kind that kills people without paying for their lives.

Sheng Mingzhi ran a few times to open violin concerts abroad, and the freshness has not yet passed.

Moreover, he really likes the violin, but when Hu Tianji asked him if he had ever thought of staying in the orchestra, Sheng Mingzhi refused.

The position of violin chief is tempting though.

But at the thought of being separated from Lu Jiayan for so long, Sheng Ming's childish love brain defeated reason.

Originally, he and Lu Jiayan gathered less and left more, and he also specifically found a job that returned to China less often. <

Isn't that a direct opportunity for others to take advantage of the void?

Speaking of this, Sheng Mingzhi was furious.

In fact, it is not a big deal, it happened at the end of the year.

When Lu Jiayan went to Hong Kong on a business trip, there was a local family with a good development in Hong Kong, and it was said that it used to be black, and it was not many years before it was washed white and landed.

There is a little daughter in the family in the Hong Kong circle, cheerful and received foreign education, so the style of acting bold and spicy, Lu Jiayan came, she launched a bold courtship, and in the case of knowing that Lu Jiayan has a family, she also said that she did not mind, it was a big deal to play openrelation.

Play with your mom.

Sheng Mingzhi was almost angry and went to Hong Kong.

If it weren't for Lu Jiayan's refusal to be crisp and clean, the neat cooperation would have been stirred up by the girl.

The head of the Hong Kong family was confused, did not react to what happened, how to talk about good cooperation is gone, a query to know that it is his little daughter this problem.

The commotion reached Lu Jiayan's head.

This benevolent brother is still the first.

Several circles in the mainland basically know Lu Jiayan's style, so few people who are interested dare to provoke.

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