chapter 52: how are you?

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Five seconds after the phone hung up, the president's office fell into a death-like silence.

Because the president's office is very quiet, Sheng Ming's voice is not small, and Yao Shen, who has listened to the content, is also stiff into a marble statue at this moment, and said that he has encountered the biggest crisis in his career.

Whether he pretended not to hear well, or pretended to hear it himself.

Fortunately, Lu Jiayan didn't have time to come to his trouble at the moment.

My mind was full of confusion about Sheng Mingzhi's divorce notice just now.

Divorce threats were no stranger to him.

When he first got married, he went overseas, and the assistant bodyguard responsible for protecting Sheng Mingzhi reported back every day, and Sheng Mingzhi hung on his lips with two sentences of divorce.

At that time, he just smiled and didn't pay attention to it.

Sheng Jia and Mingchen are very closely linked.

Divorce is not something that Sheng Ming can leave if he wants to.

Moreover, three years ago...

Even if he heard Sheng Mingzhi say divorce three years ago, his heart did not fluctuate much.

It's just not what it used to be.

Lu Jiayan did not expect that now when he heard Sheng Mingzhi mention divorce, the irritability and panic in his heart had exceeded his own cognition.

Lu Jiayan didn't even notice how ugly his face was at this moment.

Without even thinking about it, he called Back to Sheng Mingzhi, called four or five others and did not answer, and the sixth simply hung up.

WeChat and phone are treated the same.

Either don't return or just hang up. <

Lu Jiayan relentlessly hit more than a dozen, and somehow he was relieved in his heart.

At least Sheng Mingzhi had not blacklisted him, was it a blessing in misfortune?

He put down his phone, pinched his eyebrows, and his tone was cold and hard like never before: "Go check." The second young man saw someone today.

 For no reason, how could Sheng Mingzhi bring up the old things again and put the divorce on his lips?

His temper is indeed arrogant and willful, but it is not a random hair without asking why.

Yao Shen's movements were fast, and in less than ten minutes he collected Sheng Mingzhi's day's itinerary.

When he saw the conflict between him and Song Yi, Lu Jiayan's brows were twisted together.

The sheng family's affairs, Lu Jiayan had heard about it.

Yao shen inspected the words and looked at the color, and Shunshi said song Yi's previous hot search with Lu Xiao.

No wonder Sheng Mingzhi was able to ask that question today, the marriage was indeed proposed by Sheng Xu, but not many people knew.

Song Yi could know that most of them were also revealed by Lu Xiao.

After Lu Jiayan listened, he had a calm face and a bad tone: "Go and tell Lu Xiao that I didn't let him come to block my lover." The next time, I will let him pack up with Chen Yulei and roll abroad.

Yao Lowered his head in trembling, "Okay, Lu Zong."

 After warning Lu Xiao, Lu Jiayan still had a sigh of relief in his heart. <

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