chapter 41: catching adultery

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Sheng Mingzhi felt that it was not wrong for the people who had attached the middle school to call Lu Jiayan "fox essence" in the past.

His brain was shut down by the sound of this "baby", and then he was confused and did not know how to lie on the table in the study.

When he woke up from bed the next morning, Sheng Mingzhi did not return from the crazy love affair last night.

He sat up from the quilt with a messy chicken coop head, his brain blank for three seconds, and then as if remembering something, the fox's eyes went from confused to awake, without excessive.

Sheng Mingzhi instantly lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed.

Then of course the whole leg was weak and almost fell to his knees.

Fortunately, Lu Jiayan came in in time and directly picked him up.

By the way, I looked at him condemningly.

"So energetic early in the morning?"

The subtext is almost said, why not continue to spend time in bed?

Perhaps he heard Lu Jiayan's hint.

Sheng Mingzhi felt his waist faintly ache.

...... No.

Dog men are unrestrained.

Lu Jiayan raised an eyebrow.

Sheng Mingzhi finally looked at the other party's almost questioning eyes, and said, "I went to the study to get the camera." Last night, Lu Jiayan was tricked into directly forgetting such an important thing as having a camera in the study.

Fortunately, the miniature camera sent by the program group is not networked, only the recording function.

But it's enough to break the downline.

Sheng Mingzhi was not thick-skinned enough to leave that kind of thing in the camera! <

When you're done, get out of bed again.

Lu Jiayan pushed him back onto the bed.

Slowly and logically: "I closed last night."

Sheng Ming was stunned and subconscious: "Didn't you say it wasn't closed?"

I lean on.

So you're in that... Why scare me when that?!

Sheng Mingzhi still remembered that last night, when his sanity was not yet broken, he had obviously asked Lu Jiayan about this matter when the sea of love was sinking and falling.

The other party, the old and improper male fox, said with a straight face that it was not off, and said that it was necessary to record it like this...

Just recalling the fragment, Sheng Mingzhi felt that his face was hot.

It was so outrageous, how could he listen to Lu Jiayan's such nonsense, knowing that the other party was a bad-hearted Sven scum.

"Oh—" Lu Jiayan inexplicably lengthened his tone, sounding very indebted, and idly: "You also know that men can't believe what they say in bed."

Sheng Mingzhi: ...

I thank you.

Lu Jiayan seemed to be afraid that he would not believe it, and in order to reassure Sheng Mingzhi, he deliberately brought the camera to him.

Sure enough, as Lu Jiayan said, the camera only recorded the part where Lu Jiayin came in, and the moment he finished sorting out the files, he was turned off.

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