chapter 35: new variety shows

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January is fast forward, followed by the New Year.

The workplace variety show that Sheng Mingzhi was preparing to participate in was also put on the agenda.

"I Am an Intern" was recorded in the first week after the end of the year.

It is scheduled to air in March.

Since the investor is Shengjia's father, the gold content of the program is very high, just in time for the spring recruitment of the next year.

So the invited vegetarians were all top students in several 985 universities in Yunjing, and there were even two or three Beijing universities.

I heard that shengjia's current boss is a graduate of the finance department of Yunjing University.

Speaking of which, it is still the senior of these few ordinary people.

At the same time, the proposed star guests participating in "Intern" were also confirmed.

In addition to Sheng Mingzhi, there was also the rich second generation of the mixed circle mentioned by Shen Ling last time, and Yu Jie of the same company as him. The few remaining traffic stars, Sheng Mingzhi is also a little impressed, the host of the fire variety show, two old actors, and a few love beans born in this year's draft.

Seeing Yu Jie, Wen Wen's DNA moved.

He had heard Brother Wang say that this Yu Jie was bad in his heart and was going to die, and last time he pit Sheng Mingzhi to participate in the variety show that was full of five poisons, fortunately, Sheng Mingzhi had always been mischievous, otherwise, if he was replaced by an ordinary artist, he would have been banned a long time ago.

However, that variety show also died halfway.

The live broadcast effect is too good, after Sheng Ming is out of the circle, the major official media came down, and the above naturally paid attention to this program.

Not long after, the radio and television announced the suspension of broadcasting and reform of the program, and carried out internal rectification, as for when the rectification will be carried out, it depends on the mood of the radio and television father.

On the day of the recording of the program, Sheng Mingzhi card point to the scene. <

Yu Jie, they had already arrived, and had already mingled with the actor teacher on the scene.

Seeing him coming, Yu Jie flashed a trace of unhappiness on his face.

This eighteen-line paste coffee did not know what kind of physique it was, last time he was so whole, he could still stand here intact.

More than once, Yu Jie remembered the previous series of riot operations that Sheng Mingzhi had made out of the circle, and they all vaguely felt a little outrageous.

Sheng Mingzhi is probably the only one who tore at Weibo and his fans.

In the circle, there are also casual mixes, and artists who do not tend to be inflamed. Not only that, but it also offended most of the existing top streams in the entertainment industry.

Fans tore him, and seniors did not promote him.

I had never heard of him having any gold lords.

Did he survive the metaphysics?

In the end, it is the predecessor of the company.

Yu Jie squeezed out a smile: "Teacher Sheng..."

Sheng Ming didn't even look at him, and he passed by mistake.

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