chapter 66: microblogging business

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The recording of "Practice Birth Debut Battle" is not closed.

Scalpers sold 8,000 media quotas to one person, even if the price is high, it is still sought-after, and the station sister who chases the front line is not short of money.

Take a photo of the artist, re-sell it to the station, and turn it down a few more times, and the media ticket will return to the cost, and it will not be lost.

Therefore, in addition to the official camera, there are also station sisters who are mixed in.

Photographing Lu Jiayan's sister is lucky, she is in a good position, on the right side of Lu Jiayan, just put him and Sheng Mingzhi into the camera.

Lu Jiayan has always been low-key in public.

The only hot search that has been on the southwest financial magazine cover that time, he does not like to be exposed to the public eye, so Shengjia's hot search is also fast, internet netizens per capita seven seconds of memory, this value only a few hours on the hot search of the overlord naturally quickly forgotten behind the head.

Later, Sheng Mingzhi and Song Yi had a fight on the Internet, and the president of Sheng Jia really appeared in the eyes of everyone.

However, at that time, the melon-eating netizens were all paying attention to sheng mingzhi and Song Yi's tearing x drama, who had the kung fu to pick up sheng mingzhi and what his husband looked like.

Netizens only know that Sheng Mingzhi is the boss lady of Shengjia, and as for the boss, no one cares. In addition, Sheng Mingzhi likes to show his watch on Weibo, diamond ring show big name show villa show yacht, is not to show his husband.

Strictly guarded, afraid that people would take a look at it more.

Remember sheng mingzhi has a hot comment on Weibo first.

Black powder message: Why don't you show your husband? No, no, wouldn't we really be afraid that we would fall for him?

Sheng Mingzhi did not have the patience to reply: there is a disease to cure the disease, crawl.

Until weibo blogger HuahuaHuazi Sauce burst out of this five-minute video. <

Netizens saw this comment again and were convinced.

No wonder Sheng Ming was not willing to show.

Who doesn't hide it like this??

The comments of Hana Hanako Sauce were like explosions, refreshing seven or eight times every second.

The front row was almost all question marks, and the forwards broke through 10,000 or 20,000, before someone turned back to ask who the man next to Sheng Mingzhi was:

"Who is this?" Sheng Ming's childish husband? "

"woc...... So handsome, help. "

"...... Lu Jiayan? "

Is it necessary to ask who this man is?" Who else hasn't seen the cover of Southwest Finance's magazine? I printed out three words from Lu Jiayan and pasted them on his face.

"I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand, why is the little waste himself handsome and rich, and such a handsome husband??" 」

"I'm sour."

"Hastily, I can really do it!"

"I rely on Sheng Ming's childish life, open it, is it too late for me to reincarnate now?"

"No, what kind of novel overlord is this?? Is there really a rich and handsome president in the world?? "

"...... I didn't pay attention to financial news, I always thought that Sheng Ming was an old man with his husband..."

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