chapter 18: blowing rainbow farts

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Sheng Ming's cold dragged on for three days.

Shen Ling used the excuse to celebrate his physical recovery, but in fact came to gossip, sitting next to Sheng Mingzhi and making a fuss: "Did your husband really accompany you for three days?" Haven't been to work for three days?

"Pay attention to your wording." Sheng Mingzhi coldly corrected her: "It is not to accompany, but to strictly guard." After thinking about it, he still felt that his three days were not human life at all.

You can only drink porridge, but also go to bed on time, eight to nine in the morning, and enter the old age life in advance.

Which young man now went to bed before ten o'clock?

Sheng Mingzhi complained: "My father is not so annoying, and I am bored to death."

After Shen Ling listened to Sheng Mingzhi's encounter, she was not only uncomfortable, but also schadenfreude.

Leaning forward and backward, he smiled for half a day, remembered something, and was surprised: "But the plastic marriage between the two of you has also made historic progress, so he still takes care of you when you are sick." But this is the first time, right? The

impression was the first time.

Shen Ling had never heard of when Lu Jiayan had taken good care of others, and the Lu Jiayan she remembered had always been a mean capitalist.

This topic is just a casual talk.

Shen Ling thought it would soon pass.

But what he didn't expect was that Sheng Mingzhi suddenly answered the sentence.

The voice was quite soft, and the gaze fell into the distance, as if in a daze, and muttered, "No." Once before. That should have been ten years ago. <

Sheng Mingzhi was only twelve years old at the time, and he was in the first year of junior high school.

He remembered that it was raining heavily that day, and the driver mistakenly thought that he had been picked up by Sheng Xu and went home early. Sheng Mingzhi was left alone in school, unfortunately, the physical education class was rained that day, and he had a low-grade fever in the afternoon.

At dusk, the classmates were invited to the class leader's birthday party, and he was the only one in the classroom quietly lying on his stomach.

No one remembers him at school.

Sheng Mingzhi seemed to have been abandoned by the whole world.

To this day, he still remembers the first time he saw Lu Jiayan.

Sheng Xu couldn't get through to his phone and asked his classmates to come to him. Lu Jiayan found him in the teaching building of the junior high school, until he found him in the first and second classes of the junior high school.

At that time, Lu Jiayan had just finished the college entrance examination, and he still carried the unique cleanliness of high school students.

The other knocked on the door, and the bag was carried on one shoulder.

At that time, his bangs were still a little long, draped on his forehead, wearing a white shirt, peach blossom eyes slightly picked, and the silhouette was still the appearance of a teenager.

Lu Jiayan leaned against the door frame like a boneless man and asked lazily, "Is Sheng Xu your brother?"

Sheng Mingzhi looked up from the bend of his hand.

There were still tears hanging from the corners of his eyes that he had just cried.

The dusk of Yunjing was late, Lu Jiayan turned his back on him, and the halo scattered behind him, crossing a gentle silhouette.

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