Imagine: Spending time with your father, Thranduil, as you wait for...

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Imagine: Spending time with your father, Thranduil, as you wait for your husband's return from war.

Here's a sweet one :)

It was Lady Galadriel's suggestion that I spend my time in Imladris, rather than my home in Lothlórien, as I awaited any news of Haldir. She said the absence of all Lothlórien's march wardens would only serve as a more harrowing reminder of my beloved's departure to offer his services to aid in the War of the Ring. My reluctance to leave prompted her to personally escort me to Imladris.

I couldn't measure the time it took to get to Imladris relative to anything, such as each sunset, as I was preoccupied with the worry of our journey being intercepted by a weary soldier, come with news of Haldir's passing.

The paranoia took such a toll on me physically, that upon our arrival, I nearly collapsed onto the cobblestone as soon as I stepped out of the carriage. Galadriel had to keep a firm hold on me as an elf led the way to my temporary quarters, garnering a few stares.

Galadriel helped me down onto the bed once in my room. 

"Y/N, I know that the bond you share with Haldir is making the pain of his departure physically strenuous. It has already begun to weaken you, my dear. At this rate, the Undying Lands would not entirely be out of the question."

"If he dies, I won't remain here. I couldn't. I-" I was in tears before I could finish, the thought materialized into words igniting a splintering pain in my heart.

I grasped at the colored silks of my dress that lay above my heart and squeezed my eyes shut, falling forward a bit.

"Y/N!" Lady Galadriel rushed to me.

"I'm alright, it's nothing," I said, stopping her advance with my raised palm.

"You are causing harm to yourself with all this worry, my dear. There is no ill news and no sign of peril, you mustn't toil and strain yourself with worry over speculation," she lamented.

"I'm afraid," I said softly, removing hold of my dress, leaving a section of winding creases in its center. I gripped the comforter I sat upon instead.

"I know you are, Y/N. You must have hope and not lose yourself in this time. Haldir would be forlorn if he knew of your state, following his departure. I know he would want you to receive him in good health once he returns. If you carry on like this, my dear, you will fall deathly ill. He will be returning to greet you here, in this room, where you will be bedridden."

She sat beside me on the bed before taking my hands in hers.

"Remain steadfast for your dearest. Your separation is equally painful for the both of you. Your weary beloved's return must be met with his beloved in good health."

I stifled my tears and nodded, understanding that she spoke the truth entirely


Luckily, Imladris was filled with sights I could distract myself with. The gardens were often filled with restless elflings attending their music lessons. The sight of them fumbling with instruments nearly the size of them, straining to hold wavering notes with furrowed brows and flushed cheeks warmed my heart tremendously. Their instructor would weave through each row, helping adjust their tiny fingers and posture where needed. I would watch them from a small clearing through the trees, seated on a singular carved bench that sat among bushes of marigolds. Not long into my routine of watching the little ones' lessons, some had taken notice of me peering through the winding tree branches, prompting me to wave at them with a friendly smile, which was mostly reciprocated. At the end of the day's lesson, I heard footsteps approaching as I prepared to leave.

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