Imagine: Your children terminating a fight between Thranduil and you

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This little imagine is my way of saying thank you for all of your sweet comments on my last post.

"Why must you always act like a child?" He spat as soon as we stepped into the confines of our bedroom and shut the door, shielding all from what was about to unfold

"I was only helping, Thranduil." I answered calmly, although knowing this conversation would inevitably grow in vulgarity and volume

"Not only have you humiliated me in front of our people, but other nobles as well."

"I cannot seem to understand how voicing my opinion humiliates you, Thranduil." I gently scoffed

"I had the situation completely under control, Y/N. As soon as I parted my lips to speak, YOU stood and spoke to them as if I were not there, as if—"

"As if I had more power and authority over you." I finished for him, the bitter singe of melancholy searing my nostrils and throat "Do you regard me as a being who is so much lower than you, Thranduil? Am I, an elleth, not capable of doing what you do?"

"No, of course not." He exhaled thoughtfully, mollifying

"Then what? Do I embarrass you?" I queried once again, feeling tears begin to slip down my countenance

With sorrow and regret flooding his eyes, Thranduil made his way closer to me in an effort to take me into his arms.

"I know what it is." I said suddenly, seconds before his arms were around me "You're a bigot." I chuckled humorlessly, stepping away from him


"When you are alone with me, you listen and oblige to the opinions, thoughts, and desires I voice for the betterment of our kingdom, but, your facade disintegrates into ash as soon as anyone or anything new is in the picture and you treat me differently..."

"Are you mad? How could you have the audacity to label me so and accuse me of doing something I have not done and never would?" He scoffed harshly

"You've clearly done it, Thranduil! We wouldn't be here, having this conversation if you weren't a bigot!" I shouted, beginning to grow angry

"I most certainly am not a bigot!" He cried, taking one large step closer to me, pointing his finger at the ground as he shouted twice as loud as my last remark was

"Why can't you just admit it?! Why can't you respect me?!" I screamed, shoving his chest as my tears resumed their violent  fall

"THE ONLY THING I HAVE TO ADMIT IS THAT YOU'RE A LIAR!" Thranduil bellowed with all his might, moving extremely close to me, his fists clenched

For the duration of our quarrel, Thranduil and I failed to notice the two curious, now frightened elflings peeking through our ajar door.

It was their intrusion that halted our now dangerous dispute

Their frail voices cried as they quickly filed into the room, grasping onto mine and Thranduil's legs, throwing both of us off balance

My heart tore in two as I watched my little darlings weep into my dress and Thranduil's kaftan

"Come here, my daffodil" I cooed as I bent down to gently scoop Nienna up into my arms, Thranduil quickly following suit with her brother

She proceeded to bury her face into my shoulder and I cradled her golden head that smelt of lavender and honey as I whispered sweet nothings into her ear, assuring her that everything was alright

"No, my heaven, nana and ada are not angry with one another. Everything is perfectly fine." I answered her cheerfully as I kissed her tears away, whilst I bounced her atop my hip

Once her quivering lips produced a precious smile, I looked to gauge Thranduil's progress with calming her brother

Thranduil and I's worried gazes met with one another and they immediately morphed into ones of requited regret for what we had caused.

Slowly, I moved closer to him and gently laid my head against his chest, listening to his heart as it slowed to a normal pace, unlike the rapid thumping it underwent during our quarrel

"Shall we retire for the evening and sleep all of this away?" He requested gently, taking in our children's fatigued auras

"Yes, yes" I heaved pleadingly, looking up into his saddened eyes

Thranduil quickly folded the comforter onto itself and the both of us gently placed our precious cherubs in its center, carefully taking the edges of the bed

As soon as the both of us were settled, I turned towards my husband and tearfully apologized

"Thranduil, I'm sorry, I didn't mean–" I hiccuped

"Hush," He quickly silenced me, catching my lone tear before it fell and was absorbed by the comforter "I know, my dearest. I am truly sorry as well. We both said things that we did not mean, things our anger fabricated. The faulty events of this day shall be forgotten in this very moment, for the sake of our little darlings."

I could only muster a nod of wholehearted agreement and we carefully shared a kiss as we leaned over our children, internally vowing to never allow the events of this day any redundancy whatsoever.


I hope you liked it

sorry for the delay (and for any typos/ for a bad plot in general)

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