Imagine: Having Thranduil's child

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Request for: @MissGreenleaf

"I have been looking everywhere for you, I was worried sick." I heard his melodic voice say from behind me

"You worry too much, my love..." I murmured tiredly as I shifted in the warm grass I lay upon

"Considering that you are due any day now, my worry on your behalf should not be taken lightly, my love." Thranduil chided gently as he knelt before me

"You mustn't be worried, my love. You must be humble and joyous. For we are to be blessed with a child, Thranduil, a child!" I said, casting him an upward glance.

"Of course I am happy, my flower. I am over the moon. It's just, you are incredibly fragile, hence the sobriquet I have given you."

"Oh..." I said, furrowing my brows

"May I join you?" He whispered as he caressed my abdomen

"Of course, " I responded softly, smiling from ear to ear

Thranduil quickly nestled himself into the grass beside me and pulled me as close as possible to his palisade of a chest.

His fingers wove into my hair as I buried my face into his neck and my ears perked slightly as Thranduil began to hum a beautiful tune.

"Promise me that you will sing that to our child upon their arrival," I begged as the hymn began to lull me to sleep

"I promise," He chuckled, placing a soft kiss onto my forehead "when I finally found you laying here, basking in the sunlight, I was convinced that it was an angel I was seeing. I nearly walked away. I do not remember marrying an angel, Y/N...I fear there is something you are not telling me..." He cooed accusingly, the smirk among his lips catching my eye

As my cheeks flushed, I began to giggle loudly, feeling immensely flattered.

"I am an elleth, my love. I swear it." I whispered, quickly kissing his cheek

"I believe you in the least, Y/N...or is that your real name?" Thranduil said accusingly

"You're being preposterous!" I laughed, swatting his arm

"Tell me your real name, or else...." He warned, crawling over me

"Or else what?" I giggled

Thranduil's eyebrows rose slowly and I realized that he was now straddling me

"No..." I warned, my smile vanishing

"You have left me no choice, my flower."

Before I could beg for release, his fingers tickled my sides, making me shriek

"Please! Please, Thranduil...I-I beg of you to stop." I cried minutes later, cradling my abdomen so his fingers had nowhere to go

He carefully managed to tuck his hands under my arms, making my tears and laughs resume

As my lips parted to plead with him again, he suddenly stopped.

"There." He whispered, kissing me softly

"There, what?!" I nearly shouted, growing angry

"I have now seen you smile and laugh today...that is all I wanted" Thranduil cooed, caressing my cheek

"Well, you didn't have to torture me!" I exclaimed

"I was not torturing you, I was making you laugh." He chuckled, moving off of me and back to my side

I sighed, shaking my head "You are absolutely insane, Thranduil Oropherion."

My statement resulted in broad laughter from Thranduil, making me smile yet again

"Thranduil?" I whispered, my eyelids abruptly beginning to feel heavy

"What is it, my precious angel?"

"If I rest here, will you stay by my side?" I asked nervously

"Of course, my love." Thranduil murmured as he wrapped his arms around me, his brows creasing as if the answer was obvious

I smiled faintly, immediately falling asleep amongst the forest floor


I woke with a gasp, feeling a sharp pain

I quickly turned my head and saw Thranduil sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Thranduil, wake up!" I wailed, gently nudging his shoulder

He mumbled softly, slowly retreating from his dream

"My waters have broken!" I shouted, the pain easing somewhat

His eyes opened in an instant and he sat up, his complexion frenzied.

As he looked upon my convulsing form, his eyes brightened as he realized that his child was due to arrive

Without saying a word, he lifted me into his arms and rushed me to the healer, whispering words of comfort as he carried me.


Several hours later:

Now it being the early hours of the next day, I took in a shallow breath, it almost over

"Please, I-I need Thranduil." I implored for the umpteenth time

"My lady," The healer sighed "he cannot be in here. It is forbidden."

I bit my quivering bottom lip, feeling my eyes water

"Your child is nearly here, my lady." The healer encouraged

I let out a sob, further straining my aching limbs, the midwives hypervigilant

Only having to strain once more, I wailed from the very depth of the pain my unborn child innocently and obliviously bore me.

Alas, my child's cries pierced the air I gasped to breathe, and a sob brushed past my lips as I impatiently waited to finally hold them.

"An ellon, my lady! A beautiful, healthy prince!" The healer informed me happily

As my son was lain in my arms, the door was thrown open and I quickly looked up to see Thranduil with wide eyes, breathing heavily.

The healer and midwives quickly congratulated us and left the room.

"A son, my love...we have a son," I whispered to Thranduil, smiling from ear to ear

He carefully sat beside me, marveling at our angelic son

After a long moment, Thranduil leaned over and placed a kiss onto our child's forehead, sniffing as he slowly recoiled.

"How is it that we made something so perfect?" Thranduil asked softly, careful not to startle the little one

"I don't rightly know," I said in return, tears falling from my eyes

"I promise that I will make the world a better place for him...I will be a better ellon for his sake." Thranduil cooed, sorrow lacing his voice

"And for me?" I questioned softly as I turned to look at him

"I am already a better ellon because of you, Y/N." He said lovingly, just before kissing my lips

The cooing sounds from our son pulled us apart.

"Legolas." Thranduil said, taking the child's small hand in his "He shall be named Legolas."

"It's perfect. Our little Greenleaf." I whispered

Tears filled my eyes as Thranduil carefully took Legolas in his arms and began to hum softly to him, just like he promised.


I hope you liked it

The last few quotes I used are not mine. They are from the show Poldark :)

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