Imagine: Having a bad day and Thranduil only worsening it.....

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Imagine: Having a bad day and Thranduil only worsening it, but he makes it up to you a few days later

Request for: Thranki

"Please! My little sister is sick!" You shout as you're shoved out of the healer's small shack and into the busy street.

You sigh, holding back a sob and begin to make your way back home. Your little sister seems to have caught a flu epidemic that has been spreading on and off throughout your small, but busy town. You made your way to the healer earlier, but he refused to lend you anything or allow you to enter his small, medicine-filled shack because he was afraid that you would pass the flu over to him, even though you're not sick. You start to cry and frantically wander the streets, looking for some form of medicine that will help heal your sister. You are scared, no-terrified actually. Both of your parents passed away from a gruesome flu and now that your sister has caught it, you're afraid that you are going to lose her too. She's the only family you have left. As your tears multiply, your sight blurs and the crowd of elves turns into a big blob of various colors. You stop to wipe your tears away, but you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn and see an elderly elleth, holding out a hot cup of tea. She's your neighbor.

"Here," She says "I know it's not much, but it'll help your sister get a little better," She says

Tears of joy fill your eyes and you graciously take the cup of tea from her.

"Thank you" You breathe, your heart filling with happiness

"You're very welcome. Now go, your sister is waiting" The elleth says

You nod and quickly begin to make your way back to your small home.

As you rush home, careful not to spill the hot tea, you crash into someone. The glass falls from your trembling fingers and it shatters onto the aged stone below you, spewing hot tea all over you and whoever you ran into.

You look up slowly and see that you not only spilled hot tea all over your king, but you also crashed into him. Your face turns red with embarrassment, but also fear.

"M-My lord, Th-Thranduil" You curtsy "I-I am s-so sorry. I-I was in a rush because-" You start to explain, but are cut off when Thranduil raises his hand to silence you

"Save it" He spits with anger

"My lord, I-I said I was sorry" You stutter, on the verge of tears

"SILENCE!" He shouts "I have had an awful morning and this just makes it all worse! My son kept pestering me to bring him into town and I reluctantly agreed, only to have hot tea spilled on me, spoiling my clothing! I suggest that you get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret" He growls

Tears fill your eyes, and they widen in horror. You turn to run off but freeze. Not until you give him a piece of your mind. You have had a beyond hectic and awful morning. Thranduil's idea of a bad morning is probably his cooks bringing his breakfast out too late or his eggs not being seasoned properly!

You whirl around and glare at him.

"Don't you DARE tell me that you've had an awful morning!" You mock "Because I'm sure that my morning has been far worse than yours! I found out that my sister is severely sick and no one will help me or give me the medicine she needs to heal! I was going to give her that tea, but you made me spill it! I have no choice but to sit a-and watch h-her...die" You shout at first, but falter with the last sentence and your voice diminishes to a whisper because you started to cry, hard.

A sob escapes your lips and you turn back around, running home before you can even see his reaction.

You burst through your front door, and guilt rises in your heart, knowing that you don't have anything to give to your sister. You lay next to her in bed and cry yourself to sleep with your arms wrapped protectively around her.

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