Imagine: Rejecting Thranduil

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You laugh with glee as you run amongst the tall and broad Mirkwood trees, occasionally using them as a shield from Thranduil.

"I'm going to find you!" You hear his voice holler

Upon hearing his prediction, you sink behind the trunk of a tree, giggling madly.

Further straining your lungs, you forcefully stifle your giggles once the crushing of leaves sounds from behind you.

Knowing that you have been spotted, or heard, you ready yourself to take off into a sprint. But, you're too late. Thranduil jumps before you, making you shriek and lifts you into his arms, spinning.

You laugh joyfully and throw your head back, spreading your arms far and wide in his embrace

"You're so beautiful" Thranduil murmurs lovingly, gazing into your eyes

Your cheeks grow pink and you quickly look away from his smiling eyes.

"I love you, Y/N" He whispers, pecking your cheek with a kiss

"And I love you, Thranduil" You quickly reply


After several minutes of walking with no sense of direction, still in Thranduil's arms, he gently places you onto your feet. Once the dying foliage fondles your feet, you quickly lean into his chest for balance, the sensation of standing feeling so new.

Once the very first physical action, you learned to complete when you were only an elfling returns to your legs, you take off into a sprint, laughing.

"Y/N!" You hear Thranduil holler after you

You choose not to reply, hoping that he catches on to your motive. After turning around to gage his placement, you see him chasing after you grinning sheepishly, making you smile and start to run faster.

Within seconds, you're at the edge of the Mirkwood forest and you freeze, looking around for a last-minute hiding place. As your eyes quickly scan for a place of temporary refuge, you see it. The statue of Thranduil's former wife, covered in vines and decaying plants.

Your breath hitches and a lump forms in your throat. Your breathing slows and you feel three inches tall. Suddenly, you feel out of place, you feel like a traitor, a replacement.

Thranduil's arms are soon around your waist and he's showering you with kisses

"Y/N?" He asks, pulling back "What is it? What is troubling you?"

"N-Nothing," You stammer "just a little tired. I-I am going to bed" You add, looking away from his worried face

"Let me walk you" He insists, wrapping his arms around you

Biting your tongue, you nod.


After locking your bedroom door, you throw yourself into bed and begin to sob until your voice grows hoarse and no moisture resides in your body.


You wake to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door.

You decide to ignore it, hoping that whoever it is will go away.

"Y/N? Open the door, it's me" You hear him say

You slowly shut your eyes and blow out a shaky breath. Not caring about your physical appearance, you slip out of bed and falter to the door, feeling as if you died and have just come back to life.

Once you open the door, revealing your weary self, Thranduil's eyes widen

"Y/N" He gasps, placing his hands on your cheeks "What has gotten into you? What is the matter?" He asks in a rush, kissing your lips, in which you don't kiss back.

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