Imagine: Your daughter waking you to make something for Thranduil

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Request for: @SailorMars14

The thousands of somewhat disorderly tendrils splayed across my pillow served as a weft to the tiny fingers weaving in and out of my hair. They were clearly an attempt to wake me, but oblivious to them, they aided in lulling myself back into rest.

"What are you doing, my darling?" I murmured, my voice dripping with exhaust

"Braiding." Little Analise replied, a tinge of giddiness in her clarion tone I adored

"And why is that?" I questioned playfully, positioning myself so that I now sat facing her tiny frame that lay against the headboard of Thranduil and I's shared bed, only my torso elevated

"I want to show you something." She said, all playfullness set aside, her eyes gleaming with excitement

"Lead the way, my love." I cooed, leaping onto the stone floor, my newly made plait swinging over my shoulder

As my minute replica sweeped the halls, gracing all with her invigorating and joyous aura, I found myself grinning with pride.

"Are we close?" I asked as I passed through the doors of the library, only a couple of steps behind my sprinting daughter

"Yes, nana." She replied cooly, seeming to be preoccupied as her eyes scanned the shelves filled with an innumerable amount of books

"Do you n–" I began to ask, only to be cut off by her exclamation

"There!" She hollered triumphantly, pointing to a book that I had yet to know's title

With the aid of my elevated toes, I grabbed it, taken aback by its title


I quickly handed it to her eager hands, waiting patiently for her to flip to the desired page, meaning she had looked through it earlier.

"I want to make this for ada." She said finally, handing me the open book

My eyes quickly swept over the page, eager to know what it was that caused her excitement of such loft.

I couldn't help but smile as my eyes finished scanning the words

"A scrap book." I mused  "Filled with the recipient's fondest memories."

"I have already created the pages for it, nana, I just need your help to create the binding."

"You created all of the pages yourself, my darling?" I asked as I kneeled before her, my pride from earlier dilating

"Yes. I've painted and drawn pictures for Ada and I picked lots of his favorite plants." She replied happily, retrieveing the collaged papers from a hidden compartment in the shelf of books that towered over us

"How long has this taken you?" I asked curiously, greatly impressed as I flipped through the beautifully constructed paperwork

"A few days."


"There. All finished." I announced tiredly as I pulled the string of twine through the thin piece of leather coating the thick stack of papers, creating a fifth long stitch along the binding

I quickly tied it and cut away the extra string, turning to face little Analise who was awake as ever.

Although it was far into the night and past her bedtime, I knew her adamant excitement and longing could not wait until tomorow.

Her eager hands took hold of her brilliant idea made tangible and she raced from the room

"Wait!" I shrieked, causing her to halt

"Don't you want to write your ada a little message in the back of the book?" I inquired gently

Her bright eyes grew wide in realization and she quickly seated herself beside me once again, taking hold of a feather and a small glass filled with ink

She sat hunched over her book as she wrote, clearly not wanting me to read whatever was meant for her ada's eyes to.

"All done!" She squealed, running away before I even had a chance to try and ask what she had inscribed

Chuckling, I slowly rose from my chair and made my way towards my husband's study, knowing he lurked there in the midsts of nights


Slowly, I opened the door to Thranduil's study, my heart swelling as I saw our daughter seated in her father's lap, flipping through each page, giving him a brief description of its contents

The sheer interest and love pooling his eyes as he held our child protectively to his chest brought tears to my eyes

I watched as he pointed to each drawing and specimen, asking about it, and as he examined a plethora of leaves and stemmed plants glued to the second to last page, knowing what was to come.

Analise's message.

"What is this?" My spouse asked as he turned the page once more, sitting upright

"Read it." Our daughter giggled, nestling herself closer to his chest

"For my ada," Thranduil began, pressing his tender lips to her golden scalp "with love forever and ever and ever and ever and ever..."

My tears had begun to fall as Thranduil's arms circled her torso and as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear, resulting in beautiful giggles to fill the air

Suddenly, Thranduil's arm reached outward, his hand beckoning for me to come forward

He had seen me.

Slowly, I lifted the hem of my dress and pushed through the ajar door, making my way behind his desk riddled with paperwork

His arm curled around my waist, and he slowly looked up to me, his eyes unmistakably shining with tears.

"Thank you," He rasped "both of you. I could not ask for a better gift."

"I only created the binding, my love." I admitted, cupping his cheeks

"Without the binding, there would be no book. Just as if the two of you were not here, I would not be who I am today, nor would I posses the joy and blithe that I do upon seeing you."

Smiling, I leaned forward and softly kissed his lips, earning grunts of disgust from our child.

"Oh, hush." I giggled, nudging her shoulder

Chuckling, Thranduil's fingers began to tickle her sides, causing her to shriek in surprise and jump from his lap.

She ran in circles around the room, evading her father who was only a few steps behind her.

I watched happily from where I stood, realizing that Thranduil was not only the binding of our family, but our kingdom as well.


I hope you liked it

Yes, I'm still alive.

Analise's message to her father was inspired/taken from the book The light between oceans by M.L. Stedman, which I completely, 100% reccomend!

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