Imagine: Thranduil and you singing Legolas to sleep

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Request for: @Pietra_Maximova

A/N: The song that Thranduil and you sing to Legolas is located above the title. You can press play whenever you'd like.

"N-Nana?" You hear a faint, saddened cry from behind you

As you flip over, your adolescent son's sobbing figure comes into view, his silhouette illuminated by the light from the corridor, spilling through the ajar door

"Legolas?" You ask, lifting yourself, your upper body being supported by only an elbow as you rub the sleep out of your eyes

"What is it? What is troubling you?" You add once your resting mind is fully awoken

"I-I cannot s-sleep" He hiccups, clutching his tiny suffed elk to his chest, in which he was presented with when he was merely a few days old

"A nightmare?" You whisper inquiringly

A sniff and nod are all that you need as a response, and that's exactly what he does

"Come here" You say, throwing your legs over the matress supporting your husband and you and pat your lap

Legolas is quick to fulfil your gentle command and he wraps his arm that isn't clutching the slightly depleted elk around your torso

Once his grasp on you is secure, you contribute to his needed comfort by wrapping your arms around his tiny body and placing your lips on his soft hair.

"Now..." You say, starting to rock ever so slightly "do you wish to tell me what happened in your bad dream, or do you wish not to speak of it?"

"N-Not speak of it" Your son is quick to reply and holds you tighter

For what seems like ages, the two of you remain silent. Then, you slowly rise and begin to circle the room, cradling Legolas.

"Nana?" Legolas asks again

"Yes, my leaf?" You coo

"Can you sing to me?" He whimpers

"Of course" You whisper, starting to dig through your memories of what songs your mother used to sing to you when you were in Legolas's place

You begin to hum as all of the lyrics embedded into your mind slowly resurface and you continue to carefully and quietly walk around the room.

"Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby

back to the years of loo li lai lay

and I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow, bless you with love for the road that you go

may you sail fair to the far fields of fortune

with diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet

and may you need never to banish misfortune

may you find kindness in all that you meet

may there always be angels to watch over you, to guide you each step of the way

to guard you and keep you safe from all harm, loo li loo li lai lei...."

Now, closing your eyes, you begin to hum and rub your son's back

Just as you open your mouth to sing the next verse. A much deeper, broader voice entwines among yours, and you're quick to realize that Thranduil has awoken and is helping to calm and comfort your son.

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