Imagine: Thinking you are not worthy of Thranduil

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Request for: @ToukaChanSan and catchingthranduil

Thranduil's pov:

I cannot deny the fact that I recoiled when I saw that the iris of each of her vibrant eyes was stoic and turned away from each tuft of grass and flower petal her gentle fingertips caressed.

How have I not noticed this before?

The truth of the matter is, I know not this mysterious elleth.

I saw her gracefully trecking through the forest and I found myself enthralled by her beauty and anonymity, coming here everyday for the past few days to merely observe her and maybe, one day, hopefully become acquainted.

Suddenly, she spoke, and I realized that I was hearing her voice for the first time since, well, since I first laid eyes on her.

"What is it that you want? Is my impediment so fascinating that you must watch my every move? Please, just leave me be. I am in enough detriment as it is."

Although I was hiding behind the trunk of a massive tree, she still managed to spot me. But isn't she blind? Is that what she was referring to when she spoke of her impediment?

I relished in the beautiful sound that her voice was before stepping out from my place of concealment.

Her back faced me and I watched as she carefully stood, proceeding to carefully brush away the tendrils of vibrant grass from her skirts to the forest floor.

It was the sudden, doleful sound of soft weeps iliciting themselves from what I believed to be delicate, rubicund lips that caused my heart to swell with concern

"Go on, take a look at me— the only blind elleth in Mirkwood. You aren't the first who has come to watch how such a helpless creature fares. Despite my pathetic sobs, it is quite alright, I am used to being poked and prodded like a specimen by everyone's eyes."

Before I could reveal to her my ludicrous motive, she quickly swept her tears away and turned to me...

"Oh, my..." I rasped

Her beauty rendered my every limb feeble and my knees could not muster the strength to keep me aloft.

"They're hideous, are they not?" She rhetorically tsked, most likely referring to her eyes

But their vibrancy put the Valar's to shame

She was unlike anyone and anything I had ever seen.

"I did not watch you to belittle you. I watched you because your beauty enthralled me..." I finally managed to utter

Her brow sunk so low, as if I was speaking to her in another tongue, and her head tilted slightly to the side.

"What are you doing? What are you listening for?" I queried.

"I'm waiting for the friends who put you up to this to emerge from behind the other trees to pay you the sums they promised if you pretended to fawn over the blind girl then shortly make fun of her for believing you."

My heart hurt to witness someone depreciate their self-worth so severely.

"I assure you that I have no friends that linger behind the very trees that surround us with their pockets heavy. Also, I have no intention of laughing at you, I only spoke the truth....and, for what it's worth, I would never harbor the friendship of ellons who would request such a horrendous task of me."

The beautiful, subtle smile that claimed her lips caused her to look to her feet and I smiled as well, noticing that her tears were gone.

I carefully stepped closer to her and she slowly lifted her head, knowing I had neared myself.

"I'm Y/N," she said timidly, the redness of her cheeks beginning to fade away.


Two weeks later:

At the same time for the past few weeks, Y/N and I have walked throughout Mirkwood's vast forest, her arm wrapped around mine.

I cannot deny that my feelings have blossomed into the utmost tangible desire to court her.

I intend to ask for her courtship today, and I fear her answer.

I led her to a quiet, secluded part of the forest and gingerly took her hands in mine.

"Y/N, I know that we haven't known each other for very long, but my feelings are true and evolving with each day. Please, allow me to court—"

"Stop," she said suddenly, teardrops beginning to escape her eyes. 

"Please, let me finish—" I begged.

"No. I will not allow you to pledge yourself to me. I am a burden. Of course I harbor feelings for you in return, but I will not selfishly accept your courtship. If I did, you would become my caregiver, not my lover. You would have to become my eyes. I don't even know what your countenance beholds, neither mine own's. How could you possibly love me when I linger in a lightless world. You deserve so much bet–"

"Enough!" I shouted, grasping her shoulders "Enough," I whispered. "How could you speak so gruesomely ill of yourself whilst you radiate perfection. My heart is pained by every ill statement you utter of yourself. You said just now that you do not know what I look like, give me your hands–"

"Thranduil, no," she cried.

"Give me your hands."

Your pov:

Slowly, I extended my arms and placed my hands within his much larger ones.

Carefully, he placed my hands on either side of his face, beckoning me to allow them to wander his features.

I traced his cheekbones, then his jaw, ran over the soft hills that were his lips, followed the straight line that created his nose, rummaged through his thick brows, then carefully moved over his closed eyelids...

After I could picture him within my subconscious, he spoke.

"My hair is a fair shade of ivory and my eyes are cerulean in value—"

"And your heart is purer than any living being's," I finished for him, despite knowing he would say something different.

After relishing in the sound of his contented sigh, I asked one more thing of him.

"Are you sure that you want this...that you want me?"

"I have never been more sure about anything in my entire life."


I hope you liked it

Yes, I'm still alive

Like always, sorry for the ridiculously long delay

I apologize for any typos, and if the imagine is bad in general

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