Imagine: Thranduil avoiding you

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Two hours, I had been waiting for him for two hours. He wasn't coming. This is the third time that he has bailed to walk with me through the garden. I just want to spend time with him. We haven't been able to due to his excessive meetings.

Tears stung my eyes as I turned away from the door that concealed the blossoms and foliage I longed to stride through. I angrily wiped away my tears and began to walk back to our bedroom. I would sulk there until I succumbed to slumber.

After pushing our massive bedroom doors open, I saw him seated behind his desk, immersed in whatever small print the innumerable papers before him withheld.

"Why cannot you just tell me that you do not desire to walk with me?" I asked with as much composure as I could, but my body trembled with sobs

I watched his pen swiftly drag along the paper and his brow lift slightly as he tried to finish writing his unreadable thoughts, before tending to my dilemma.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked, finally looking up into my dampened eyes

"W-Why must you continue bailing on me?" I hiccuped "This-This is the third time, Thranduil"

I heard him curse under his breath and lower his face into his palms as if his pristine features weighed a ton.

"Y/N, I-I am so sorry, I got carried away with all of this paperwork and forgot. Tomorrow. Tomorrow we will walk through the garden, I promise." He spoke from his hands, making his speech muffled

"Why? Just so you can forget again?" I asked with such lofty accusation, that he looked up at me with narrow eyes

"Y/N, I made you a promise." He huffed "You have my word."

"I know that you made a promise, Thranduil, just like you promised me yesterday and the day before that." I retorted, my sorrow growing

"I said I was sorry and made you a promise, what more do you want?!" Thranduil yelped, rising to his feet

I took a fearful step back and the muscles in my neck tightened at his sudden outburst. Thranduil never shouted at me.

"Your credibility..." I murmured, before vacating the room and running to the library

Venturing through the library was the only way I could get to the sole dwelling in this kingdom that gives me solace, other than Thranduil-when he isn't angry. I maneuvered bookshelves until I reached my desired destination and proceeded to push the massive-concealed- wooden door open.

Once faced with my private haven, a soft breeze circled my still trembling body and the scenery's ethereal aura dragged me onto the massive stone veranda. My still saddened irises roamed the massive, beautifully twisted trees that grew higher than my extensive vision could see. Being as old as I am, my age and Thranduil's combined is an antic compared to the age of the alluring woodland surrounding me.

I closed my eyes as the soft breeze aided in drifting my sorrow away. May this place never be discovered by another I selfishly thought to myself.

"May I join you?" I heard a familiar voice ask, making my antecedent plea fruitless and cosmically ironic

I turned around and saw Thranduil standing there, his hands behind his back.

"How did you find me?" I asked, not caring about his hidden hands

"Our bond." He answered, smiling "I can sense your presence, no matter where I am, meleth"

I bit my bottom lip and turned back around. "Please, leave me be" I begged

"I will not. Please, forgive me?" He asked, lessening the distance between us

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