Imagine: Finding out your first husband is still alive...

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Imagine: Finding out your first husband is still alive, years after marrying Thranduil

Request for: @CrystalEmmie

I stood, parallel to my husband-to-be, making sure that this was truly what I wanted


Suddenly, my surroundings grew distorted and they morphed into a familiar place, a memory~

"Promise that you will return to me, Nestarion"

"I will, my dearest. Nothing can or will ever stop me from returning to you, Y/N."

"Not even death?"

"No. Death is never the end, Y/N."

I rolled over in the warm grass and wrapped my arms around him, taking in his scent one last time

"Nestarion," I wept "Please, return to me. I cannot lose you. If you die, then I will take my own life if it means I can see you again-"

"Hush, my star. You know not what you speak of. You mustn't dwell on the idea of death...You must trust me when I say that I will return..."

"Okay..." I croaked, smiling faintly~

Nestarion never returned to me. He had died bravely, the captain of the guard said. I tried to take my life the day I was told of his death, and many more after that, to the point where I had to be under strict supervision.

I was completely lost, with no reason to live, until I met Thranduil.

"I do..." I finally said, noticing the fear in his eyes that I would say no

He smiled from ear to ear and kissed my lips soundly, making my heart flutter


As we dined with our guests, Thranduil suddenly took my hands in his, stopping me from playing with my food.

"Y/N, are you alright? You have been distant for the entirety of this day." Thranduil asked, his eyes flashing with worry

"I-I'm fine. This all just feels...surreal."

Thranduil smiled with relief and kissed me softly, resulting in awing sounds to surround us.

I smiled shyly and looked down at my lap, my nerves still fluttering abundantly.

"You will be a wonderful queen, Y/N. Our guest's smiling faces should be enough to convince you that you are already loved immeasurably among this realm...And hopefully, my smiling face will let you know that my love for you is far beyond being able to be put into words."

I cast him an upward glance and my eyes lulled closed as his lips were pressed to my forehead, where they lingered for a while.



"Our love will last for all eternity."

If only I knew how delusive his statement was


200 years later:

I rushed around the corridor, looking for Thranduil to tell him the wonderful news.

It was then that I realized something was wrong.

I watched as Thranduil conversed softly with the captain of the guard, but they halted their conversation upon realizing my presence.

"What is going on?" I asked with worry as I moved towards them

Sighing, Thranduil held out his hand for me to take a hold of, and once I did, he began to rub his temples, choosing his words carefully

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