Imagine: Long after you've died...

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Imagine: Long after you've died, Legolas asking his father how the two of you met

WARNING: Major feels ahead

Upon telling his father that he could no longer return to Mirkwood, a question that lingered in the pit of his soul slowly began to rise up his throat, unable to be stored away again, as it had been so many times before. The stalling of this question had finally become insatiable and unbearable.

"A-Adar?" Legolas sputtered, turning back around from the path that would take him far away from all the gruesome events that merely finished taking place

"Yes?" Thranduil answered his son, after lifting his head-in which was bowed to conceal his abrupt tears

"H-How did naneth and you meet?" He asked his father shyly, avoiding his lingering gaze

In that moment, a faint smile played against the elven king's chapped lips. He could almost see your petite figure flashing him a smile from across the ballroom-or in this case, the cave riddled with orcs bodies.

"It was over a millennium ago, Ion nîn..." Thranduil began

"Do you not remember?" Legolas teased "Have your abundance of years on this very Middle Earth finally caught up to you, aging your mind...and face?"

"Very funny" Thranduil chuckled throatily "Of course I remember how I met her Legolas. How could I forget the day that you became a possibility? She was-is my world, and so are you, ion nîn."

Legolas's heart fluttered at his father's sudden splurge of emotion As absurd as it sounds, he didn't know how to react. It was like the day a much younger, vulnerable Legolas held a bow and arrow for the first time unaware of the extent of damage it could cause or how to use it.

Legolas chose to grasp one of his wrists behind his back, leaving his fingers to dangle in the whistling wind that tousled his father's hair as well as his and pressed his lips closed.

This did not go unnoticed by Thranduil. For he understood the toll his absence as a father affected his-at the time- ever-growing leaf. And as a result, his pity on Legolas's behalf dilated drastically.

"I-I am sorry," Thranduil said suddenly, causing Legolas to look at him, confusion and bewilderment claiming his features

"Whatever for?"

"Everything." Thranduil croaked "For being an absent father, for not comforting you when the grieving of your naneth became unbearable, for making your childhood miserable, for shutting you out, for turning to the accursed wine instead of you, for being so distant and cold to this day, for—"

"S-Stop it" Legolas croaked, tears brimming his eyes

Thranduil looked to his son with a new interest. The last time Thranduil Oropherion saw his son cry was ages ago when an adolescent Legolas asked where his mother had gone to and the elvenking had chosen not to reply-the answer hurt too much to be uttered, let alone be revived throughout his mind.

In that moment, Thranduil's composure convulsed. His kingly stature, after years and years of making it stronger, more intimidating, more had completely vanished.

A sound Thranduil did not know he was capable of producing, a sound that he had never heard before, brushed past his now quivering lips. It was all gone. He let down his guard, his title. Thranduil quickly turned away from his mourning son, for he could not let Legolas see him like this. It made him look so fragile, so delicate, so...vulnerable. The exact opposite of what a king should be.

"G-Go." Thranduil croaked harshly "Find Strider"

"B-But ada—" Legolas stammered

"GO!" Thranduil roared, whirling to look at Legolas, his tears now clearly visible, flowing down his frigid cheeks, out of his glacial eyes

"Of course" Legolas whispered, ashamed, and turned towards the path that would lead him away from everything he knew

As Legolas turned a corner, he froze. He could not leave his father, not this way.

As the clicking of his father's sliver boots and armor reverberated throughout the cave they previously stood in filled Legolas's pointed ears, he turned around and began to walk back to the entrance of the cave, where he would run into his father

As Legolas caught a glimpse of his father's attire, he threw himself towards Thranduil's chest and wrapped his arms around his armored torso.

"I-I love y-you, ada" Legolas sobbed vociferously "I-I know you won't say it b-back, but I-I don't care"

Completely disconcerted, Thranduil placed a trembling hand on the back of Legolas's head, physically and verbally at a loss of what to do.

"I-I...I-" Thranduil stuttered, feeling as if he were being suffocated by an offender

Legolas now looked up at his father, expectant. But alas, the three words he longed to hear never brushed past his lips.

Hesitantly, Legolas let go of his father and stood to his full height, feeling suddenly idiotic. He should've known his father would remain idle and silent.

"I-I apologize," Legolas croaked, backing away from his father "for my rash action, it was not mature nor princely....I-I'll be off now"

As Thranduil watched his son walk away, he scolded himself immensely

"Legolas" He called, his voice breaking the eerie, post-war silence

Legolas froze. The last thing he expected to hear was Thranduil's voice. He turned slowly and met his father's unreadable gaze.

"Your mother loved you, more than anyone, more than do I" Thranduil whispered hoarsely

Legolas's eyes widened and dampened. Knowing how his father would feel with his arms around him again, Legolas chose to keep his distance and smiled.

"And I love you" Said Legolas, the words feeling odd on his tongue-now that he was calm

As Legolas turned to leave for a second time, he stopped. For he had not received an answer to his question yet.

"I met her at the Feast of Starlight, Legolas" Thranduil said abruptly

"H-How did you-" Legolas began to ask incredulously

"I can read your gaze.....just like your mother could read mine" Thranduil retorted, smiling faintly

"If-If my mother were here now, looking at you, what would she say?" Legolas asked, smiling broadly at the mere thought

"She...." Thranduil began, but stopped, thinking more intently about the question "She would say, 'Here before me stands a beyond proud father, of a brave and strong elven prince, and a king who would do anything to protect his family and kin. A king who still cannot learn to tie his hair back when in battle." He finished chuckling softly

"That makes two of us" Legolas quickly added, laughing with content

"Oh, Legolas," Thranduil sighed wistfully "if only your mother could see the ellon you've become. She would be so proud" He added, tears beginning to fall from his eyes

"Adar, everything that I've amounted to is because of you. Naneth would be proud of YOU. You've been through so much, and yet you remained strong...for me. I can only hope that I have inherited at least an ounce of your courage, bravery, strength, and restraint. You are an admirable ellon, adar, more than you think. Do not let the mental and physical downfall you faced after the death of my mother make you think that you are a failure, because you are not. I swear to you that you are not" Legolas explained as tears freely streamed down his face

Thranduil slowly stepped forth, lessening the distance between his son and him. With an abrupt, outward thrust of his arms, Thranduil pulled Legolas into his arms and cried on his shoulder.

The elven king had finally realized that he had made an innumerable amount of failures and mistakes in his life, but raising his leaf was not one, nor would it ever be, and for that he was eternally grateful.


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