Imagine: Realizing that Thranduil is your father

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Request for:  @superfangirl_alexia

"Alright. That is enough walking for today," The elderly elleth I have been caring for as long as I can remember, who is practically my mother, said exhaustedly

"Of course" I quickly replied, helping her down onto a bench

Upon her request, we had been walking around our small, secluded town that many do not know the existence of.

"Are you ill?" I queried softly

"No, dear, only a little tired." She replied amid a yawn

"Shall we head back then?"

"Yes, just give me a minute." She said, smiling

"Take your time, there is no rush," I said, giggling softly

"I am afraid there is..." She alluded, pointing in a directing I was not looking

I slowly followed her frail finger and saw a gathering of disheveled troops.

"No doubt they will seek refuge in our home...if they see us that is." She added

"Come then, let us go now," I replied immediately, standing and then holding out my arm for her to take a hold of

Her most tolerable pace was not very quick, and as a result, I averted the eyes of the troops that spotted us.

I am an orphan. I know nothing of my parents, not even their names, their faces, or their deaths. The elleth I now care for has cared for me since I was a baby. It is the least I can do after all she has done for me. She often tells me that she wishes to sail to the Undying Lands, but that she cannot bear to leave me behind. Whilst having conversations of that sort, we find ourselves bickering back and forth, always because I tell her that I am well past the age of being able to take care of myself and her always contradicting. In fact, I have never heard of any elf that has lingered upon Middle Earth for as long as her.

I was pulled out of my trance after I laid her in bed and a soft knock sounded at the door.

"That'll be them." She sighed

"If you allow me to house them, I promise that I will keep them out of your hair and I will do all the cooking and cleaning and—"

"You already do all of those things, darling. It is entirely your decision, dear. If you believe you can handle the load, go ahead."

"Alright," I giggled softly as I realized that I had been rambling


"Good afternoon, miss...would you kindly allow us to rest here, a few days is all we desire, just until we are well enough to return home." One of the troops pleaded

There were about seven of them. They were trembling, winter soon to make its debut.

"Of course," I said softly, opening the door wider for them to enter

The looks of bewilderment that washed over their faces indicated that they had been rejected numerous times before and were expecting me to slam the door shut.

"Th-Thank you, thank you kindly." The same one spoke with slight incredulity, bowing his head slightly as if I were royalty

I smiled in return, beckoning for them to enter.

"There is a washroom down the hall and a few spare bedrooms across from it...are you—" Just as I was about to ask if they were hungry, I stopped myself, the answer obvious

"Dinner will be ready by the time you are finished bathing," I said in return of asking if they were famished

I was soon bombarded with several speeches of gratitude, hugs, bows and a few kisses to my hand.

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