Stripped of your most important title

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Request for: @adeknya_sehun


"Thranduil!" I shouted with desperation as I barged into his study

"What is it?" He questioned with fear as he stood from his ebony chair hastily, sweeping a few papers to the floor in the process

"L-Legolas," I heaved breathlessly "I cannot find him, I've looked everywhere. I thought he was with Alina in the library, but he wasn't and then I checked the garden where he would be practicing archery–"


"but he wasn't there either, then I looked in the kitchen where he might've gone to get an apple but he was nowhere to be seen, I also checked the training room to see if he was trying to use a sword again but it was empty–"


"I just don't know what to do! Our leaf is missing, I turned his bedroom upside down looking for him as well as ours and I have been asking every elf in my sight if they have seen him, even for a second! What if he is lost in the middle of the forest, Thranduil! What if he is hurt and all alone, crying for us to come and–"

"Y/N!" Thranduil shouted, taking hold of my vehemently shaking shoulders "You're trembling, sit." He said, forcefully putting me in his chair

"Look at me, Y/N, look at me." He cooed, kneeling before me and cupping my cheeks

I obeyed.

"Now, take a deep breath."

"Let it out slowly."

I did all I was asked, impatiently waiting for further instruction

"I am sure he is around here somewhere. I am going to send out a search party right now and you're going to stay here until your heart is beating normally again, alright?"

I nodded slowly, even though I was in no state to be spoken to in elaborate sentences yet, for I felt as if he were speaking to me in the language of dwarves.


When I could once again distinguish the tongue of my kin and Thranduil's supposed enemy's, I took off into the forest, after the guards in charge of finding the missing prince.

As I trekked through rotting foliage, my feet had unmistakably stepped in something wet, resuming the frantic episode my heart underwent when I realized my son was missing.

With the sound of my heart's abnormal beats reaching my eardrums, I slowly looked to the ground.

With the questions of what the substance was and its color soaring through my mind, I recognized the latter first. 


Perhaps I set foot in a shallow puddle of wine.

My intuition quickly notified me that wine is not the thickness of what my foot resided in.

Maybe it belonged to an Orc. One that was slain earlier and dragged it's wretched self away from the place of its defeat.

My vexatious intuition quickly made itself known again, mocking me as it screamed out that the bodily fluid of an Orc is black...

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