Imagine: Being put under a spell

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I sauntered out onto the balcony that jutted out from the front of my home in the midst of the night, sleep once again having left my system earlier than it should have.

I heaved a despairing sigh as I leaned all of my weight against the intricate railings circling the marble floored balcony, gazing up at the small white flecks that were the stars and how they contradicted so beautifully with their dark backdrop.

I began to turn towards the bedroom, willing to attempt to try and restore the fleeting ability to slumber again, when suddenly from below, a wounded fawn limped its way through Mirkwood's garden, the way it helplessly dragged itself breaking my heart.

"Poor thing..." I murmured thoughtfully, careful not to wake my husband whose peaceful slumber caused me to envy him slightly

I rushed to the healer's cupboards and gathered some bandages, a few rags, and a bottle of clear alcohol to sterilize the bloody wound I spotted from several feet above

When finally arriving at the wounded creature's side, I knelt slowly, speaking in elvish tongue to soothe and calm her racing heart.

She obeyed perfectly, keeping put as I helped to heal her.

As I finished dressing the wound, I felt the eerie sensation of an unwelcome entity.

"Who's there?" I called out, my voice remaining fearless

I quickly sent the fawn on its way, rising to my full height as she disappeared into the night.

A branch broke from behind me and then another, causing my heart to race and my body to whirl about endlessly.

I deemed it best that I rush back into my home and to alert the guards on watch of a potential attack.

As I neared the secret entrance that I exited from prior, an unknown hand's fingers malignantly splayed across my ajar mouth, preventing me from emitting a cry for help. As I tried to turn and meet my assailant, a large object struck the back of my head, sending me to the earth with a silent, unsuspecting thud.

Chanting of some sort buzzed around me before I faded into darkness.


Thranduil's pov:

When awakening to my beloved missing, I knew something was amiss, and the screams sounding from down hall only intensified my wildest fears

I hastily exited the comforter I was entangled within and burst through my bedroom door, sweeping the halls as I followed the familiar sound of my darling's screams.

When I finally found her, her arms were being forcefully and cruelly pulled every which way as the healer, two guards, and a maid tried to restrain her

"Unhand her!" I seethed, rushing to take my beloved into my arms, seconds before threatening their lives for treating the queen so

What I thought would be a hug and many thanks for pulling me away from the group of elves who were hurting her was actually several bashes to my chest and malediction after malediction that threatened my life

"I will kill you, Thranduil Oropherion!" She spat, reaching for the dagger I now saw in the healer's hold

"My love," I laughed, taking her creased face into my hands, combing the disorderly tendrils away from her face with my fingers

Her head ominously whirled about in
attempt to bite my hands and fingers, causing me to jump back, completely and utterly bewildered

"W-What is wrong with her? What have you done?" I demanded as my eyes met with the healer's

"Nothing, my lord. She was found unconscious in the garden this morning and ever since her awakening, she has been vowing to kill you and everyone who stands in her path."

I looked back to the fragile flower that was my wife, sure that I had misheard.

She lunged at me suddenly, and if I had been paying attention, I would not be on the ground and struggling for breath.


Elrond was sent for immediately and the handful of us tried in vain for several hours to civally calm the queen.

My exhaustion quickly disappeared when the healer said that the only thing we could do was lock her in the dungeon until help arrived.

"I will not have my wife imprisoned as if she is an orc!" I angrily exclaimed, completely against the idea

"I know that this seems wrong and unjust, my lord, but look at her. Her actions will not be terminated until her voice is gone and until she falls ill with exhaustion. It is what is best for her health."


Although it anguished me to do it, I figured it would be somewhat more tolerable for the both of us if I remained seated outside of the horrid cell in which she was incarcerated.

Despite the fact that she wanted to kill me.

Upon Elrond's arrival that night, Y/N had fallen into a peaceful slumber, and I wanted nothing more than to lift her into my arms, off of that cold stone floor, and carry her to bed.

The healer's watchful and reprimanding eyes prevented me from doing so.

Elrond and I stepped into the cellar and he checked her vitals, immediately noticing that everything was functioning faster than it should have. He proceeded to gently lift her eyelids, only for the both of us to realize that the natural color of her eyes was festered, being that of a much darker hue.

"What is this, Elrond?" I pleaded "What has befallen my wife?"

"A spell." Elrond replied with certainty "A curse has been bestowed upon her, probably by someone or an entity that wishes you dead, mellon."

"Do you know whom wishes me dead? Is there any cure for this?"

"There is one..."


I carefully took my slumbering wife into my arms and carried her to the healing quarters like Elrond instructed.

He immediately discarded his outer robes that provided him warmth and pulled up the sleeves of his crimson kaftan, adding to my worry.

He proceeded to gather the herbs and vials full of abnormally colored liquids he brought along with him as Y/N began to stir.

"Mellon, I promised you that I would be honest throughout this process and I will tell you now with great sorrow that it will surely pain her to remove these toxins from her blood."

My eyes burned with tears and I gripped my beloved's hand tightly, bringing it to my lips


I pleaded with Elrond to stop for the duration of his session of trying to heal Y/N, each and every one of her agonizing screams tearing at my heart

It was over within the hour, and I held her frail body to mine, paitiently waiting for her to awaken.

I knew deep within my heart that another wanted me dead, probably for my throne and title, but, as of now, the sole thing that was worth any of my attention was the beautiful, slumbering angel in my arms.


I hope you liked it

Once again, I sincerely apologize for my delay

Sorry for any typos and awful writing in general

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