Imagine: Sharing a seemingly neverending fit of laughter with Thranduil

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Request for: @EMSeriff

As I began my quotidian, lonesome morning walk, I caught sight of the sun's rise and admired the beautiful patterns the fiery light cast upon the ground I stood upon as it shone through the never ending sea of trees.

I exhaled contentedly, the chilling humidity of the morning air enveloping my body in a blanket of possibility and renewal.

I purposefully took large and slow steps, enjoying how my bare feet splattered the dew that clung to thirsty blades of grass onto the hem of my gown, watching as the temporary water blemish grew and grew.

When the sun concluded its lengthy rise and the heat of Mirkwood's spring kissed my skin, I deemed my trek to be over and began to head back, knowing that Thranduil should have been awakening soon.

As I maneuvered a beautiful patch of lilacs, I caught sight of my husband, scurrying from the palace and far into the forest.

"Now, what could he be doing out here, at a time like this?" I asked myself, already knowing I would never be able to think of a plausible answer

And so, I took hold of the dampened hem of my white dress and I followed after him, my curiosity growing by the second

It was mandatory that I had to be quick just so that I would not lose sight of him, and if I did lose him, I'd have no choice but to return home, having nothing more to chase

Despite believing my legs were upholding a pace that would ensure that I would keep my husband in sight, I lost him within minutes, making me groan in frustration

Before turning around to head home, I scanned my surroundings, carefully peering at every tree, making sure there wasn't a tall, golden-haired ellon behind it.

With Thranduil still out of sight, thanks to his elusiveness, I sighed, whilst shaking my head and began walking back

Before I could even take five steps, a set of arms urgently grasped my waist and hoisted me into the air, making me scream.

As I twisted and turned in vain to see who it was that took hold of me so abruptly, my husband's laugh that I adored to hear with my entire being rung in the air, making me settle slightly

He began to spin, with myself still encased in his arms, and I could not help but laugh along with him

"Put me down!" I giggled, beginning to feel nauseated

Thranduil did as I asked, but only to result in the hem of my gown entangling with the lace of his left boot, resulting in I to lose my footing and fall, my husband soon toppling over after me, falling against my abdomen

Although I was stripped of air, I couldn't help but laugh maniacally, imagining how ridiculous the regal king and queen of Mirkwood appeared to anyone who happened to walk by or spot us from the palace

"We-We're a mess..." I heaved, tears of laughter falling down the sides of my face

Thranduil's crimson-turned face from laughing hovered above mine and he tenderly captured my lips with his, the both of us seeming to begin to settle down, only for our passionate kiss to be broken as we involuntarily erupted into another fit of exuberant, unprecedented laughter.

Thranduil helplessly fell against my chest, his arms feeble and unable to support him any longer, as a result of our wracking cachinnation

"Stop making me laugh!" We pleaded simultaneously, having absolutely no clue where this unceasing blithe was coming from

My abdomen ached, my eyes were drained of tears, and my throat yearned for water

"I-I am going to count, and when I get to three, we will look into each other's eyes and stop this ridiculousness." Thranduil lamented, just as exhausted as I

I nodded, readying myself in every physical and mental way I could muster



He took a final deep breath


He pushed up off me and I elevated my torso, looking square into his pupils that contrasted so dramatically from his gleaming irises

I frantically bit the insides of my cheeks as I felt my lips begin to tug at each end.

I slapped my hand over my mouth, refusing to accept the failure of Thranduil's plan

"Stop it." I warned Thranduil, his ever growing grin making one begin to appear amongst my lips as well

"I can't help it!" He cried, seconds before he fell back in laughter

I cried out in frustration and pushed him off of me, standing to get away, only to fall to my knees as the sound of my husband's  broad laughter made me laugh as well

"We've become drunk from laughter!" I guffawed, despite being completely irked

"I-I cannot stand." Thranduil heaved, laying flat amongst the ground

I joined him, finally being able to slow my breathing

"Why were you following me?" Thranduil asked suddenly, after a long period of silence

"Well, how did you know I was following you?" I teased

"I sensed it." He replied with an equal amount of playfulness, rubbing his nose against mine

I hummed in amusement, not daring to chuckle.


I hope you liked it

I wholeheartedly apologize, especially to @EMSeriff, for the awfulness of this imagine, I've been cursed with endless bouts of writers block and I also apologize for changing your request a bit, I hope you don't mind

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