Imagine: Your death

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"What are you so afraid?!" Thranduil shouts, his armor rattling as he paces your bedroom 

"I don't want to lose you" I murmured, looking down at my feet

"Why...Why is it that I am the ablest, the most unyielding ellon in your eyes when I am here, with you, but when it comes time to leave for war, I am incompetent to you. You treat me like an elfling!" He scoffs 

"That's not true!" I retorted "I care about your safety and well being. I am not worried about your skill and aptitude, Thranduil, I know very well your skill in battle and that you excel above all in Mirkwood...all I am saying is that anything can happen" I croaked, hoping he would understand 

"You think I do not already know that?" Thranduil asked angrily

"Calm yourself..." I warned gently

"I cannot take being scolded and lectured by you! I have roamed this earth far, far longer than you. I do not need to be nurtured by you, nurture Legolas, I do not need to be told what to do and what not to do!"

I couldn't take his accusations and his eyes penetrating my soul anymore. Without warning or thought, I extended my hand and swung it towards his cheek. The sound of my palm hitting his cheek echoed around our bedroom and he froze, his eyes widening from my action.

I quickly retracted my arm and clasped it against my chest whilst the guilt and remorse took over. 

"Th-Thranduil...I-I-" I began to apologize, but he silenced me

"Save it" He spat, his facial expression contorting with anger.

"Thranduil," I sobbed pleadingly

With a quick turn, Thranduil left the room, leaving me to stare down at the floor

"F-Forgive me." I wept, sinking to my knees


I leaned over Legolas's mattress and placed a soft goodbye kiss amongst his warm forehead. I will be gone for only a few hours.

Only a few hours.

After smoothing his tousled hair down and admiring his vast resemblance to his father-for a mere moment-I set off to the stables

I open the withering wooden fence that enclosed her bleached body and ran my fingers through her mane that was the same color as Thranduil's hair.

"I will protect him..." I promised, caressing the hilt of my sword

She neighed softly in return, bringing a faint smile to my lips through all the detriment I was facing

As I lifted my foot to mount her, a soft, almost inaudible voice reached my ears, making me place my foot back onto the ground and turn.

It was Legolas.

"N-Nana? Where are you going?" His soft voice questioned as he rubbed the sleep out of his weary eyes

"Nowhere" I quickly replied as I knelt before him

"Then why are you-"

"I am just speaking to her, ion nîn" I cut him off "Would you like to play in the garden?" I quickly added, stalling him and quickly discarding the subject at hand

His eyes lit up and he nodded his head vigorously. I lifted him into my arms, resting him above my hip and began to walk to the garden, frequently pecking his cheek with a kiss.

Once there, I set him upon the grass and...I lied.

"Legolas, I will be right back. I will get Amarie to watch over you while I am gone, alright?" I asked, guilt flooding my pleading eyes

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