Imagine: Surviving an assassination attempt

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Request for: @MissGreenleaf

"You look beautiful." A soft but virile voice said from the doorway of my bedroom

I smiled, closing my eyes as the melody that was his voice caressed the drums of my ear canals.

"You are under no obligation to flatter me when all that my features radiate is a tiresome and worn queen, my love."

"Nonsense." He whispered urgently as his arms snaked around my waist "You voice lies, Y/N. All that you radiate is a celestial beauty, a beauty that any other elleth could only dream for."

I giggled softly, leaning back into his embrace, choosing to deny his false claims internally because I was in no mood to argue.

"We must make haste, for our guests will arrive shortly." I reminded him, smoothing my dress down

Within his sigh, my caged waist was set free and hand in hand, we inched towards the dining hall.

"Can you believe that spring has finally blossomed?" I mused wistfully, intertwining my arms around his one to my left

"Yes, my darling, for it shall be a vigorous one." He whispered among the loose tendrils of hair splayed across my ear, sending them into a fluttering dance as he spoke

"Of course, how could I forget that you are named after the grand frequency of springs so bright and vibrant within our home–"

"My lord and lady" The lady of light greeted as we stepped through the grand doorway leading to the dining room

"Lady Galadriel" We simultaneously addressed in return, smiling as we bowed in her opulent presence

"Oh, it's been ages. How are you both faring?"

"We are absolutely exquisite. A new season has sprung, and with it, new forthcomings that will only result in the purity of our forest to be restored." Thranduil spoke with a passion that could dissuade any heart from its saddened demeanor

As the Lady of Light prepared to give us a reassuring notion, Lord Celeborn quickly joined her side, giving us a warm greeting


The cider was the sweetest during this truly alluring and delicate season.

Although, the small sip I was willing to take would have resulted in the termination of my endless reign over my beloved realm, if it were not for the foresight and impeccable senses of my dear friend.


I raised my glass containing the sweet, swirling liquid to my lips as my husband as well as our pupils did in one swift motion.

As my idle lips parted and my bottom lip curled around the edge of the glass, I inched back ever so slightly, my tongue a fraction of a second away from absorbing our realm's ode to spring.

"Lower your glass, mellon nîn. For you shall not drink this evening."

I slowly lowered my glass, in an upmost nonchalant manner, vowing to show no fear nor emotion, and I slowly met Galadriel's eyes.

She spoke to me within my subconscious and I could not form any words that I could ask to answer to my fear and confusion

"Your glass has been poisoned, Y/N. You mustn't show your knowledge of this, mellon nîn, you are trembling."

I did not realize that I was.

Perhaps because I was so close to consuming it, none of my kin surrounding me noticed that I had not taken a sip at all, not even Thranduil.

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