Imagine: Thranduil hurting you

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Request for: @Forever_Dance75

The Feast of Starlight is tonight. Thranduil has been in meeting after meeting for the past month, ensuring that our borders will be vigilantly protected during the feast because of the several guests that will be coming and going throughout the night.

After bathing, I dressed and made my way to Thranduil's study. Upon entering, I saw him in his chair, sleeping peacefully. I quietly made my way over to him and kissed his cheek. He soon stirred awake.

"Y/N?" He croaked.

"Good morning," I whispered, smiling.

When he fully came to, he buried his face in his palms and sighed.

"These meetings are driving my energy to nothing," He sighed. 

"Come," I said, helping him up. "You need to rest. You cannot sleep during the feast, Thranduil," I laughed softly. 

"No, no...I can't," Thranduil sighed. "I still have more things I need to tend to."

"I'll take care of it. Please, meleth, go rest. If you continue like this, you'll collapse from exhaustion," I pleaded. 

"With your condition?" Thranduil scolded gently, placing his hands over my protruding abdomen. "I don't think so."

"Please, Thranduil. I will get Feren or someone else to help me. It's only paperwork." I assured

"Very extensive paperwork that will stress you to no small measure," Thranduil said. 

"As I said, I will have someone with me. If they or I realize that it has become too much, I will stop, I promise."

"I also need to walk around and make sure that everything is in order," He added.

"You can do that right before the feast. It won't take long. Now, please, go to bed," I pleaded.

Thranduil only looked at me, exhaling heavily.

"Go," I said, pushing him slightly in the direction of the door.

"Alright...but, Y/N," He warned. "If anything happens to y-"

"Go to bed," I cut him off. "Rest well, my love," I said, standing on my toes to kiss him softly, then I seated myself at his desk.

Moments later, I heard the door close behind Thranduil.

"This seems manageable," I murmured to myself. 

As I strewed the papers on the desk before me, I spotted the map with all of the troops' placements at the gate and around our borders for tonight. I couldn't help but frown. Their positions were too clustered and seemed haphazardly placed, without any apparent protective strategy. I feared Thranduil may have constructed the map while trying to remain awake- the messy brushstrokes proved that much, at least.  

I grabbed the small glass of ink and a feather and created all the necessary changes. 


Before I knew it, the room had grown dark and a knock suddenly sounded at the door. I rose from the chair and opened it to see a guard. 

"My-My lady," He bowed, not expecting me to be the one to answer. "I came to retrieve the map of our positions this evening"

"I will get it," I smiled, walking back to the desk to grab it. 

"Thank you," He said as I handed him the large piece of papyrus. "Do you know where King Thranduil is?" He added.

"He is resting. I will go wake him." I replied

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