Getting revenge on Thranduil

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"Thranduil" You whisper, watching his idle body entangled in the velvet comforter

"Hmmm?" He mumbles into his pillow, his back raising as the sound buzzes in his chest and a puff of air leaves his nostrils

"It's time to get up" You reply, watching him shift in bed-getting more comfortable

"Just a few more minutes" He slurs in a rush to cherish his last few moments of sleep

"Thranduil" You sigh defeatedly

You bite the left side of your lip and raise an eyebrow as an idea to get your husband out of bed comes to mind.

You exaggeratedly sigh heavily and take loud steps towards him-then remain deathly quite as you lessen the distance between you two-so he'll think that you've left the room.

When his body is just inches from yours, you hold your breath and pounce onto him-making his whole body jerk

Using the mattress, you lift yourself from his back and throw the comforter to the floor.

Getting sidetracked, you press your face into his bare back-the warmth filling you with tranquility-and close your eyes, a sigh of content escaping your lips and nostrils

"Y/N?" Thranduil mumbles

"Hmmm?" You exhale-not wanting to be disturbed

"You're the biggest hypocrite I have ever met" He sneers

You begin to laugh loudly and roll off of him.

As you fall into your side of the bed, Thranduil flips over so that you're face to face.

You both seem to be smiling from ear to ear.

He takes your hands in his and starts to trace intricate designs on your palms-or maybe they were simple ones and you just lost track

"Tell me Y/N," Thranduil starts "do I have a meeting today?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Do we have a visitor from far away?" He cuts you off

"Thranduil, n-no, I just-"

"Then there was no reason to wake me up. I am not leaving this bed-"

"I just wanted to spend the day with you!" You shout unintentionally

Thranduil flips over-suddenly petulant-and you're welcomed by a full head of platinum-colored hair and a bareback that's merely radiating off heat

You feel tears brim your eyes, but you hold them back

You slide out of bed and slowly shuffle to the door-more than sure that he's watching you.

Once you're in the corridor and the door behind you is closed, you run to the winery to find a bucket and then furtively run to a waterfall to fetch some cold water.

Guards and maids watch you with dismay as you run around the palace with a bucket in hand.

You carry the bucket to one of the several waterfalls that surround Mirkwood, and quickly push it under, careful that no one sees you. You start to whistle, allowing your eyes to roam your beautiful home as the bucket fills.

Once it's full, you pull it in vain back to your bedroom.

After miraculously making it to your bedroom door, you stand upright and stretch your strained back and arms.

You open the door as quietly as you possibly can and push the bucket full of water into the room.

At several times, Thranduil began to stir and you thought he would wake-sending you into a short state of hysteria each time.

You proceed to carefully push the bucket right below Thranduil's body.

You stretch one last time and lift the bucket with all your might. With your heart pounding in your ears, and your muscles aching, you mentally count to three.

Before you know it, the frigid liquid is splashing onto your husband's hair and warm back.

Thranduil hollers loudly and jumps up, disconcertion written all over his face as he turns his head in different directions to see who had caused him so much alarm and coldness.

You try to run away, you try to tell him that's what he deserves, but you drop the bucket and burst into a neverending fit of laughter.

You sink to your knees, clutching your aching abdomen.

"Y/N!" Thranduil shouts as he finally spots you


As you wrap the second blanket around him, you peck his cheek with a kiss

"I'm still angry at you" Thranduil berates

"It's alright" You sigh, resting your head on his shoulder

Abruptly, Thranduil sneezes loudly-making you jump.

"Now I've caught a cold" He bemoans

"Oh no" You gasp "I-I'll go get the healer" You add with sorrow, starting towards the door

But, his hands grasp your waist

"Th-Thranduil? What are you doing? I'm going to get help" You ask incredulously

"Come here" He coos, smiling cynically

"No" You gasp, realizing his motive

"Thranduil!" You scream as he moves closer to kiss you

"No!" You wail, feeling helpless

He cups your face and kisses you despite your rejection.

Thranduil then lifts you into his arms and nestles you beside him.

You try to free yourself, but his strength is insurmountable

When his lungs give in, you're released and gasping for air-while Thranduil sneers at you.

Within the hour, you're sneezing repeatedly and Thranduil is laughing loudly


The next day:

Thranduil and you lay in bed, bedridden and heaving for air.

"My love?" Thranduil asks, sounding beyond congested

"Hmm?" You ask, feeling sleep consuming you

"Would you like me to give you a cold-water bath to keep you awake?" He chortles

It's fascinating how witty and jocular Thranduil can be at times like these.

"Oh, be quiet" You scold, flipping over so that your back is facing him

He wraps his arms around you and moves closer so that your back is pressed to his bare, sweaty chest.

"I love you, Y/N" He murmurs, kissing your temple repeatedly

"That's very sweet, Thranduil, but I do not love you at the moment" You reply

You watch with content as Thranduil throws his head back and laughs at the lop of his lungs. You then quickly remember why you married this extraordinary ellon.


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