Imagine: Thranduil and you being wed

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Venturing through the vast Mirkwood forest, a deluge of flowers in hand, your heart starts to pound in uneven intervals as you realize that this is really happening. As you move forth, the murmuring of unknown elves floods your ears-making you start to hyperventilate. You stop walking for a second and close your eyes, filtering a staggering breath through your nostrils, immensely trying not to lose your sanity and faint-mainly for the sake of the young, cherubic looking elleths before you, flower-petal-piled baskets in hand. Inching closer to your husband-to-be, in which you cannot see yet, the eager elleths start to strew the variously colored flower petals-signaling you that it will be soon. You unintentionally dig your fingernails into the stems of the flowers in which you hold, altering and shortening their already shortened lifespan. Realizing what you're doing, you pitifully ease your grip.

Please adar, you pray, looking up to the sky stand by me and hold my hand through this. I know that you cannot do so in this life, but calm my heart with the feeling of your loving touch.

Wiping away a stray tear, you find yourself standing at the end of rows upon rows of your kin. With the soft petals of flowers tucked between your bare toes and the feeling of the soft greenery fondling your feet, the insurmountable comfort they offer your trembling figure vanishes as overlapping intercourse, altercations, and even slander of the guests halt and their topmost body part turns to leer at you. Breath catching in your throat, your eyes slowly move upwards until they rest upon your betrothed. A new feeling pours over you and the two assortments of elves at either side of your hips diminish into the unconcern-worthy labeled files of your mind. Serenity. That's the word. Simultaneously, tears brim his and your eyes and a vast, joyous grin claim both of your, at first, idle lips. As the frisking elleths' finish their walk down the aisle, you realize your delay and begin to walk gracefully through the flower pedal-ridden isle. Eyes never leaving his, your heart swells and you grip the bundle of flowers in hand tighter, this time careful not to cause their stems any more detriment-even though they were already dying. Losing track of time, you soon find yourself standing parallel of his shimmering tunic and crown. As he takes one of your trembling hands in his, the older, noble elf standing adjacent of you begins to speak. Hearing none of the words that are uttered at every wedding, you're presented with a crown consisting of entwined branches and flowers, as well as a jewel and swear that you will a prominent, able, and competent queen to your realm-Thranduil eyeing you with enamor and infatuation the whole time. After what feels like an eternity, he enunciates "I do" and it quickly dawns upon you that you're next.

"Do you, Y/N take King Thranduil of the Woodland realm to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, to have and hold, until death do you part?"

"I do" You sob, finally being able to say the words you've been longing to for what felt like ages

Neither of you waiting for the ellon before you to grant your kiss, you both inch closer to each other, the anticipation as well as longing feeling becoming unbearable, and in a fraction of a second his lips claims
yours, leaving your limbs paralyzed and your heart beating boisterously. Vocal chords now fruitless and becoming overwhelmed with emotion, you miraculously manage a smile.

"I love you" He whispers, breathless

"I love you too" You respond, vocal chords now strumming and functioning again

As the assemblage, before you rise from their seats and begin to clap synchronously, your heart floods with additional happiness and an immense sense of belonging invigorate your soul.

Grabbing your attention, Thranduil cups your cheek, making you turn to look at him.

"Our future awaits" He whispers into your ear

"Our future awaits" You reverberate, the endless and vast possibilities that come with the title of being queen embedding into your mind, waiting to be fulfilled.

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