Imagine: Leaving Thranduil because you are human

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Request for: @bibli0thecary

WARNING: Angst (if you cannot handle such themes, please read at your own discretion)

Little Tilda giggled each time the stong winds tried to carry away the ever-growing pile of flowers we picked, and as I scrambled to pluck them back from the currents that tried to steal them.

After the battle, Bard, the children, and I relocated to Dale. Poor Tilda was still reeling from all the horrid sights she witnessed. I took it upon myself to keep the innocence of her youth intact by taking her away from it all, bringing her up to the poppy-ridden hills along the coast whenever possible.

As we lay among the fragile flora that swayed with the wind that rustled our dresses and touseled our hair, Tilda's thoughts suddenly became preoccupied

"Mama, who's that man watching us?"

My heart dropped at the prospect of my little darling being in danger and I quickly turned my head in the direction her gaze was fixed.

"No," I barely said the word on my lips

How had he found me?

"Come now, darling, let us go." I stood, rushing to collect our basket of flowers, impatiently waiting for Tilda to rise as well and place her hand in mine

Just before we set off towards home, I saw that he had dismounted his horse and began to approach

Tilda and I rushed down the hill, as our momentum sent us into a sprint. I turned my head every minute or so, gauging his placement in relation to where we stood.

But, he was gone.

"It's alright, Tilda. He is gone," I assured her as I realized how frightened the short ordeal had made her. It was the last thing she needed, given her heart was still on the mend

She was trembling

"Oh, my darling, it is alright. He was never going to hurt us. I know him,"

I knew I had already said too much, but I feared that it was the only thing I could say that would calm her, and thankfully, it did

We walked home slowly the rest of the way, even making a stop at her favorite boutique shop, filled with various trinkets


As Tilda and I stepped through the door of our home, we both froze after taking one step.

Bard was the first of the two to look at us.

"Are you alright, my loves? You both look as if you've seen a ghost-" Bard chuckled

Then my husband's guest turned, making my heart leap into my throat.

If a dagger had pierced my heart in that very moment, I wouldn't have noticed it, not with the way Thranduil was looking at me.

The way his face dropped the instant he set eyes on me, realizing I was now Bard's, was enough to send me to my grave

Bard quickly crossed the room, kissing me tenderly before cupping Tilda's chin and kissing the top of her head.

"Run along, dearest," He whispered to Tilda "Your mother and I have business to tend to-"

Business? What business? Did Thranduil tell him? oh, he must've-

Obviously recognizing him as the man from earlier, Tilda's protective nature led her to remain where she stood, eyeing me worriedly, which warmed my heart to no small measure

"Listen to your father, my love, I will be fine" I whispered to her, before kissing her temple

With Tilda now gone, Bard led me back to the dining room table

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