Imagine: Legolas being reunited with you in Valinor, after your death, part 2

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Request for: @ashleigh45876 and @sapphirerose14

"Like this?" Legolas whispered as he carefully watered a beautiful patch of ivory roses

"Yes, my love, that's perfect." I murmured as I looked over my shoulder, away from the lilac hydrangeas I was tending to

I couldn't help but giggle as he moved to water the beautiful flora from their petals

"Water the dirt below them, my leaf, not their petals." I gently stated, causing his cheeks to blush crimson

I kissed his temple reassuringly, redirecting his hand that held the small pail containing water from the stream nearby

After my dearest son came to me all those years ago, I have been teaching him any and everything I can and I cherish him as if he will leave me at any moment, trying with all of my heart to atone for my leaving of him and his father—


Upon his arrival, Legolas told me very little of my beloved, only stating how he fared and the conversation they shared before his departure.

Oh, how much I desire to be in his arms, to feel his lips against mine once more

"Nana, you're gazing—" Legolas said suddenly, pulling me out of my trance that was heavily laced with nostalgia and longing

I slowly looked back to the single hydrangea whose petal I caressed, only to have my wandering hand laced with my concerned son's

"You're thinking about him, are you not?" He sighed sadly, knowing how much I desired to see his father

I nodded, turning to him with a sad smile

"I know in my heart that he will join us soon, naneth." Legolas cooed encouragingly, wiping away my escaped tear

I nodded again, looking back to the hydrangeas I adored as my eyes began to overflow with melancholy

"You've never told me," Legolas stated suddenly "why you love hydrangeas so much." I knew that he was trying whatever he could to distract me from the discussion at hand, and it worked

I began to giggle as I remembered the specific occasion that prompted my unconditional love for the flower I lay before

But I soon began to weep, also remembering the onslaught of emotions my heart endured that day

"My love for them began on the day of your birth, my leaf." I shakily began, afraid that my fervid emotions would soon prevent me from speaking—

"Your radiant mother had just so valiantly welcomed you into the world, and I, an overzealous and flustered fool, ran to the gardens instead of rushing into the room to meet you, scrambling to pick her any flowers my eyes could find. I found a beautiful clearing of lilac hydrangeas and picked every single one, before running back to her side, presenting them to you both. I tucked each and every single one into the tendrils of her lustrous hair, stating my love for both her and you with each flower I placed."

My breath left me in a gasp once he whom I believed to be a hallucination finished speaking, for I stopped breathing the moment the father of my precious son appeared from behind the trees, and I now found myself hyperventilating

I blinked, I blinked a thousand times and rubbed my eyes as I looked upon the ellon who had my heart

I could not move.

Slowly, my darling husband approached and carefully knelt before me, taking my trembling hands in his as he gently instructed me to breathe, cooing as he revived me from the state of shock I was in

"You're in shock, my dearest." The sweet, lavender laced honey that was his voice whispered to me

I shut my eyes slowly and let out the breath he so lovingly told me to inhale

As I reopened my eyes, I found myself breathing normally again, and, for a moment, I forgot where I was, only to remember everything once his hands encased my cheeks

Slowly, I met my lover's eyes, only to finally cry out in realization and throw my arms around him, weeping hysterically against his chest

I barely pulled away, only so that I could gaze upon his unmarred, unchanged features

"Oh, Thranduil," I hiccuped "how I've missed you and longed for this moment."

He began to weep softly, carefully claiming my lips in a tender kiss as he rubbed soothing circles against the small of my back

We slowly broke away, and I found myself lost in the pools of his luminescent irises as a gentle smile sat upon my lips

Coming out of the trance that his beautiful eyes cast upon me, I turned to our son, only to find him grinning from ear to ear as he looked upon his mothers and father, together, for the first time in centuries.


I hope you liked it

I literally wrote this in one sitting, so I apologize if it's awful

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