Imagine: Running away with Thranduil

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I had not expected an abundance of hatred from the elves of Mirkwood once Thranduil asked for my hand in marriage, and made it known that I would be queen among all who reside in the Woodland Realm. I do not come from immense royalty, but neither do I come from immense poverty. I had been faring perfectly fine before I met Thranduil. Despite my financial background, I do not know the exact source of their unyielding scorn. But today, it had reached its peak, so I thought.

I was walking through the corridor when I overheard two elleth's slander.

"I hear their marriage is that of convenience..."

My heart began to pound at their harsh inquisition and my face grew warm.

"Who knows why the king chose her...maybe she's with child and he doesn't even love her." Another elleth's voice chimed

Their malicious giggles flooded my ears and tears stung my eyes as I turned to get away from them and their evil words that would haunt me until my wedding day, that is, if there would be a wedding. Then an insatiable and uncomfortable buzzing sensation flooded my chest, making it hard to breathe.

I took off once they began to make fun of my features. As I ran, I felt my knees buckle when I abruptly recognized their voices. They were the head maids. But what hurt me the most was the fact that they were the most sympathetic and courteous beings in Mirkwood to me before I became betrothed.

With a pathetic thrust, the door to my bedroom gave in, permitting me entrance. I faltered to my small veranda, just before I let all the verbal torment I swallowed and kept down for the past few months finally rise to my heart and corrupt me.

I gripped the metal railing before me tighter and tighter as each heinous remark that has been spoken to me and of me reverberated throughout my throbbing head

"The king is a fool if he thinks that you are capable of being queen"

"You will never be my ​queen"

"You will destroy this kingdom if you are given even an ounce power"

Strangled sobs escaped my throat and I slowly sunk to my knees, realizing that words most certainly can hurt as much as a physical wound.

Without warning, a knock sounded at the door, but I refused to open for anyone. Ages seemed to go by, but the person knocking obtained an amount of adamance I could only wish I had.

Realizing their patience would not run out, I stood from my wobbling knees, simultaneously wiping my tears as I trudged to the door.

It was a maid, but not one who I overheard earlier.

"My lady!" She gasped, cupping my cheek "What has happened?"

"It is nothing." I quickly replied, turning away from her

"What. Has. Happened?" She asked again, more firmly, forcefully turning my head to look into her stern eyes.

She wouldn't take "nothing" as an answer.

Being the oldest maid in Mirkwood, she has always been like a mother to me, meaning I can never refuse her, not twice at least.

After looking into her eyes, I faltered, bursting into tears again and I fell into her arms, sobbing wildly

"You poor thing" She murmured, wrapping her arms around me, supporting my collapsing frame

"W-Why do they all h-hate m-me?" I hiccuped, my words far from being apprehensible

"Hush, child. No one hates you." She consoled

"You're only saying that to calm me" I corrected "They-They all despise me!"

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