Imagine: Thranduil not liking you, Legolas's fiancée

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Request for: Uilosris

"It is with great pleasure when I say that it is an honor to finally meet you after hearing Legolas's kind, honorable words about you, my lord." I said, my words containing a fluidity that had been obtained only after rehearsing my careful choice of words for the past few months

The silent king watched me intently, causing my curtsy to falter slightly.

"Do you think flattery will result in obtaining my blessing on behalf of your marriage?"

"Adar," Legolas warned from beside me.

"No, of course not, my lord," I responded quickly, my cheeks flushed.

"You are frightening her," Legolas continued to say.

The king did not shift his gaze to look at the prince, and I watched his eyes narrow as he read me.

"A servant," he tsked, kneading his temples as he lowered his head.

"I have given you many options, and yet, you decide to marry her? Ionneg (my son), I expected better of you," Thranduil said, finally looking to Legolas.

My breath caught in my throat as the king spoke of me as if I were not there.

"Adar!" Legolas shouted, taking hold of my trembling hand.

"I love her. My heart is hers. I did not come here to listen and allow you to insult the woman I love, I came for your blessing only."

"My son," The king chuckled suddenly. "Have you taken ill? What makes you think I would so readily give you and that servant my blessing?"

Suddenly, soft chuckles elicited from Thranduil's lips.

I broke free of Legolas's grasp, turning to leave as tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Foolish!" The king called after me. "What makes you think you are worthy of the Prince of Mirkwood? You are worthless! You have no right to–"

"Enough!" Legolas shouted.

"You have no right to speak ill of my beloved! If no blessing shall be given on this day, then so be it!" He spat, taking hold of my hand again and dragging me out of the room behind him.

I caught a glimpse of the bewildered look of the king as I was pulled away.


I sat silently upon my bed, fumbling with the bodice of my dress as I  watched the floor. Legolas's form laying in a heap at my feet.

"I will do whatever you'd like me to, Y/N, please, just say something, anything," he pleaded for the umpteenth time.

I had planned to remain silent, with my mind void of any thoughts for the rest of the evening, but my sorrows had become too much to surmount.

I started to cry, burying my face deep in my palms. Legolas hastily took my trembling hands in his and squeezed them reassuringly. 

"Do not weep, Y/N. I am positive that my father will come around. I will speak with him this evening. He will apologize and we will receive his blessing ."

"How?" I hiccuped, looking up into his eyes. "He despises me."

"I will find a way, my dearest, I promise."

Legolas managed to silence my cries as he placed a gentle kiss upon my lips


I woke suddenly, not remembering when I had fallen asleep. No sign of dread had flooded my long-rested mind as of yet. Suddenly, all of yesterday's events came flooding back to me, and my heart was crushed all over again.

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