Imagine: Expecting your second child with Thranduil

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Request for: @andreaforevermore

Thranduil's pov:

Even though I knew Legolas was nearing me, I remained idle, wanting to savor the last few moments of sleep I had.

"Ada, are you awake?" He whispered

"Yes, my leaf. Is everything alright?" I croaked, carefully turning my body to face him

"Is my little brother or sister here yet?" He bemoaned as if he had already been waiting for a century

"No, not yet." I chuckled, plucking my arm out from the covers and reaching down to ruffle his golden locks

"But w-" Legolas began to query, much louder than he should have

"Hush, my leaf. Lower your voice. You mustn't wake your naneth. She hardly gets any sleep these days and it would be a shame to strip her of it now." I whispered gently, careful not to wake my beloved who slept mere inches away from me

"Sorry." Legolas murmured, shame flooding his eyes

"There is no need to apologize...come," I started, carefully removing myself from the bed "let us go to the garden."

Legolas smiled excitedly, taking my extended hand.


"Look! Nana's favorite!" Legolas said suddenly, pointing to a beautiful clearing of lavender hydrangeas and amber-colored lilies

"Indeed they are," I chuckled, kneeling before the beautiful collection of flora

"Can we pick her some?"

"I have a better idea," I whispered, smiling contentedly with my newfound idea


As Legolas as I nearly finished making Y/N a flower crown, Legolas nudged my arm.

"What is it?"

"We have to make one for the baby too!" He said matter of factly, placing a bundle of assorted flowers into my free hand

I began to laugh, praising him for his wonderful idea.

"Now, I must ask you, shall we give both of them to your mother today, or shall we wait until the baby comes?"

"We have to wait," Legolas replied almost immediately

"What would I do without you?" I chuckled, ruffling his hair "always helping me make important decisions" I teased, making Legolas blush


After about another hour, both of the floral circlets were complete.

"Shall we keep these with the healer? I'm sure she'll know how to preserve them until the big day."

Legolas nodded eagerly and quickly stood up from the ground

I mimicked his actions, taking a few steps to stretch my strained legs.

"Legolas," I said once we started to make our way back inside "how about you take these to the healer while I go check on your mother."

The crowns were in his possession and he was off as soon as I finished speaking, making me laugh loudly.


I couldn't help but smile as I looked upon Y/N's sleeping form. She looked so peaceful and radiated beauty.

I don't think she's ever slept in for this long.

I slowly nestled myself next to her, with no desire to wake her, and momentarily closed my eyes as I stroked her hair.

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