Imagine: Unknown to him, following after Thranduil to war

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Request for: @Bel_6789

I sat upon my shared bed, flipping through a book much older than I, emphatically jealous at the stories and paintings of females exploring unknown lands and fighting malicious creatures, in which they would always  prevail.

Once again, I was reprimanded by my husband for wandering past our borders, in search of adventure and something more exhilarating than the arid life of a queen.

After hearing claim after claim of why my wandering off was foolish and incredibly unsafe from Thranduil, my throbbing head needed silence and solitude.

I knew he had found me when three knocks rapped against our bedroom door

"It's open." I murmured, not losing sight of my now favorite book

I felt the edge of the bed, beside where my feet lingered, sink down a few inches and a very palpable, almost exaggerated sigh reached my ears–

I knew he was trying to get my attention.

Slowly, I lowered the book from my eyes, meeting his beryl ones

He leisurely moved down the length of the mattress, until he lay directly
adjacent to my hips

The smirk upon his lips signified me that he had read the title of the book in my hold,

The disesteemed competence of women

"I admire your need for adventure and exploration, but it is upmost unfavorable when your life lies in the hands of the unknown. I know that I have been harsh and condescending, Y/N, but it's just that I simply do not know what I would do with myself if I were to lose you, let alone witness you injured. Please do not conclude that I find joy or solace in terminating your adventureous streaks, because it is so much more. It is my obligation to keep you safe and as far from harm as possible."

The tone in his voice transitioned from being very lighthearted and lucid and nonchalant to melancholic and foreshadowed.

Although it was my favorite piece of literature, I tossed the book onto my bedside table, it now unimportant, and moved so that I could comfortably rest my chin atop his shoulder

"Something is troubling you. I can hear it in your words." I said lowly, watching as his jaw bone formed a very prominent angle below his ear

"Yes," He sighed, succumbing to reveal what he'd hoped to avoid so elusively "I....I am to leave for war in three days time."

"Three days!" I gasped involuntarily, completely recoiling from him

His expression did not transition in the slightest, for he knew I would react this way.

Just as his lips parted to explain, an onslaught of tears errupted from the corners of my eyes and I ran from the room as fast as I possibly could.

I wept in arrant fear of potentially losing him when I realized...our altercations were exactly the same.

Other than realizing that I was a blatant hypocrite, I was fearful that the war would take him with his heart beating unceasingly, but in return, bring his body to me, void of an ounce of life or movement.

And yet, Thranduil restrained me from fulfilling my adventurous desires for the fear of potentially losing me as well.

Preventing him from leaving would be selfish, unwise, and unfair.

Quickly, I collected myself and my disorderly emotions and returned to him. 

I found Thranduil exactly where I left him.

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