Imagine: Pretending to be a psychic to join Thorin's company and...

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Imagine: Pretending to be a psychic to join Thorin's company and after being captured in the Mirkwood forest, Thranduil  falls in love with you

Hello, I am fully aware of how long it has been since I last posted on here. I's been a minute. Anyways, my excuse is along the lines of school, more school, me just being lazy, procrastination, and writer's block. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my pathetic comeback. Fyi, this imagine is pretty bad and I apologize in advance.

Request for: @fandomscout

Ever since I can remember, I've always been keen on moving from place to place, finding discomfort in remaining in one singular place for too long. Therefore, when a certain dwarf with the lineage of royalty in the company of 12 dwarves and a hobbit was passing through the town I was in, I knew I had to tag along, wanting nothing more than to go on another adventure. I had been in Laketown for far too long.

I had spent hours trying to devise a means of which would permit me to join their company, and the best, most promising proposal I could think of was that I was a psychic and could tell them what the future held at any point in their journey.

Thorin was clearly interested in my gift, believing it would be vital in helping to mitigate the hardships of his mission. 

And now, here I sat, pressed far back into the corner of a Mirkwood dungeon, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I recalled telling Thorin and his company that we would not be caught crossing through the forest, that I saw us making it through safely.

At this point, I know not how much longer I can keep up this façade without being discovered. I know that Thorin and his company are already beginning to suspect my title. Their harsh, reserved accusations flooding my ears with each passing second.

Even if they do expose me, I will care not, just as long as I can still follow along.

I now found myself being dragged by a guard to meet with the king of this eerie realm, alongside Thorin.


As Thorin was being interrogated, I took advantage of this time to let my eyes roam freely, examining the beautiful architecture.

But the room grew silent, and I feared I had been spoken to as Thorin cleared his throat.

I jumped slightly and turned to meet the irritated gaze of Thorin, who motioned slightly to Thranduil with a nod of his head.

I turned to look at the king for the first time since my arrival, and I was utterly mesmerized. As a human, I've never seen a being with such grace and bright complexion. He was otherworldly in his physicality alone.

"What motive does a human have to be in the company of thirteen dwarves?"

I am more than sure he was repeating himself.

"Psychic. I am a psychic." I managed to say, knowing that I was not answering his question whatsoever

I knew he could see right through my lie, and yet, he chose not to confront me.


I returned to my cell dazed, not understanding why Thranduil said that Thorin could leave if he revealed his motive, but not I. I hadn't done anything wrong, well, other than trespassing, but Thorin was guilty of that as well.

I was consumed by fear for the rest of the day, and when Bilbo bravely found the key to the cells and set us all free, I assure you that I was the first to run for the barrel room and jump into the frigid water.

Although I was mesmerized by the Elvenking, I had no desire to remain in his proximity. Witnessing him in the flesh is surely a rare opportunity for my kind and yes, I will have great stories to tell to my children or even grandchildren someday. But, I would like those stories to be of my meeting with him, not the captivity I feared I would endure if it weren't for Bilbo.


Skip to BOTFA:

With every passing second, I regretted everything I'd done. From telling Thorin I was a psychic, to accepting his invitation to join his company, to following his every order.

And now I sat, hidden in a cave, shuddering with fear as I waited the whole battle out. I was beyond terrified. I can't fight, I never could.

My heart pounded and I held my breath as I heard the menacing growls of an orc draw near.

I hugged my knees closer to my chest, watching helplessly with blurred vision as the orc turned the corner.

I could not run, for my back was against the end of the cave and the only exit was behind the orc who slowly inched closer to me, swinging an ax over its misshapen head.

A broken, defeated sound elicited from my throat as I accepted my fate, and I slowly shut my eyes.

I'd believed the sound of metal clashing and the orc's shriek were my mind's way of feigning my rescue to comfort me, but as the hideous creature's head landed at my feet, I knew it was real.

I jumped away from the gruesome thing, looking up and seeing through teary eyes, King Thranduil.

I parted my lips to thank him profusely, but all I could muster to produce were wracking sobs that sent me to the ground.

The Elvenking caught me before I landed beside the orc's decapitated visage and pressed me to his armored chest.

"You rare, unearthly thing." He mused breathlessly

"I have seen you wander the realms and towns of Middle Earth tirelessly, you insatiable girl. You transfix me. But, the more pressing matter is why you left my realm when I forbade it. Do you fear me, Y/N?"

"No, sir. I only fear what you are capable of." I returned with as much confidence I could congregate from my shaken state

"And what, you obscure and alluring soul, do you believe I am capable of?"

"I believe that you are capable of terminating my adventures and helping me find my place in this unforgiving world. I cannot rightly say whether that is a good or bad thing, and that...terrifies me." I replied shyly, finally finding the trend in his affectionate but alienating words

"Do you wish to never settle? Do you fear a state of idleness?" He asked me with confusion

"Partly so, but if my interpretation of your words is truly what I believe it to be, I shall fear nothing, not anymore."

"And what, Y/N, do you believe my words hold at the very root of their utterance?"

"That maybe—"

"I love you."  He whispered, completing my statement as he moved closer to my face, our warm breaths mingling in the biting winter air

"Yes" I exhaled wistfully, feeling my heart swell with this newfound emotion in its purest form

Our lips met in a gentle yet urgent procession and I couldn't help but smile as we parted

"Could you have predicted this?" He asked amid a chuckle, surely mocking the lie that, in a way, brought us together


I hope you liked it

I know that it's a little rushed and choppy and I apologize for that, also for any typos and a bad construction of the plot

The dialogue between Thranduil and the reader at the end are partly taken from/ inspired by the film Jane Eyre

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