Imagine: Baking a cake for Thranduil, with Legolas

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You roll over in bed and sorrow seeps into your heart as you rediscover that Thranduil is not present. It's all those wretched meetings. They fade the immense light of his eyes and the happiness in his soul. You would gladly take his place, but an elleth in a meeting is heavily frowned upon.

You exhale heavily and nuzzle your face into his pillow, breathing in his scent. It's almost like he left it there on purpose so you would sense his presence and not be alone, but it was unintentional.

You manage to get a few more minutes of sleep, but get the final wake up call when you hear the pitter-patter of small feet on the floor and feel the bed go down slightly.

"Nana, are you awake?" You hear your little leaf whisper

"Yes Legolas, I am awake" You smile, flipping over so you're face to face with him

"Did you sleep well?" You ask, pulling him into your arms and kissing the top of his tousled hair

"Uh-huh" He mumbles, seeming to be thinking about something else because he's fiddling with your hair

"Legolas?" You ask worriedly "What is it, ion nîn, what is troubling you?"

"Ada," He says with sorrow

"Why? What did he do?" You respond almost immediately

"He-He is always upset and never wants to play with me. Is it something I've done?" He asks on the verge of tears

"No no no, of course, it's not your fault, Legolas, your ada loves you very much. He is tired, very tired because of all the meetings he attends on a daily basis." You briefly explain for the sake of Legolas's young and developing adolescent mind

"Really?" Legolas asks with relief, looking up at you

"Really" You coo, pecking his cheeks with a kiss-making him giggle

Legolas and you proceed to lay in silence, contemplating about whatever you wish

"Nana, I-I have an make ada happy" Legolas suggests, looking up at you-his eyes glowing with curiosity and triumph

"And what would that be?" You smile, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind his ear

"I think we should bake him a cake!" Legolas shrieks with delight

"A cake?" You chortle

"Yes, why not? You said that he was tired and I said that he was upset, so a cake will make him happy. I know it would make ME happy..." He explains, barely being able to fathom the idea

"Hmm, that does sound like a good idea.....why not?! Let's go" You reply with joy

Hand in hand, Legolas and you stealthily make your way to the kitchen, careful not to run into Thranduil-even though he's probably in a dreaded meeting.

You pull up a chair to the countertop and lift Legolas onto it so he can reach everything more easily-meaning he can help you out a lot more.

"So, what cake shall we make?" You ask Legolas as you place your hands on the massive counter before you

"His favorite of course!" Legolas squeals

"What would that be?" You ask, playfully scratching your chin

"You don't know?!" Legolas scoffs with disbelief

"No, I can't say that I do" You bluff, holding back a smile

"Lemon and vanilla, nana!" Legolas exclaims matter-of-factly

"You're right! How could I have forgotten" You say, allowing Legolas to have his moment of triumph that he knew something you didn't

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