Just because

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Request for: @inkjetlangdon

My throat swelled and my chest heaved with immeasurable sympathy as I watched my dearest friend wail and sink to her knees, just as she was told of her husband's death.

I watched her trembling fingers claw at the ground her husband fell dead upon, only hundreds of miles away.

Tears burned my eyes.

It was in that moment when I realized how precious this very life was, how precious my well being was, how precious Thranduil was...

I must find him. I want him to fathom my love and thankfullness for him.

With tears peppering the cheeks I was biting from the inside of my mouth, I began to sweep through the halls of our home, looking for the ellon, that without, my heart would have no purpose.

As I ventured on, my silent tears turned to audible cries, and I trembled with insatiability.

"Thranduil!" I cried, bursting into his study

"Y/N?" He asked as he stood, concern painting his fearures 

"What is it? What is troubling you, my love?" He pleaded as his hands carressed my dampened cheeks

I carefully curled my hands around his shoulders, afraid that if I applied too much pressure, he would shatter in to fragments before my eyes.

I quickly elevated myself on to my toes and pressed my lips to his with so much force, that he stumbled back.

When I pulled out of the kiss with a million words behind it, I was breathless

"What was that for?" Thranduil asked

"Just because..." I whispered, burying my face deep within his chest as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"You are so precious to me, my love..." I said within my subconscious, knowing Thranduil could hear it because of our unbreakable bond

The vision of the elleth screaming over the death of her beloved abruptly flashed before my eyes, and Thranduil saw it too.

"You will not lose me...." Thranduil murmured as he turned my head upwards to look into his eyes

"Do you promise?" I whispered, weeping softly

"I swear it." He responded instantly, just before placing his lips over mine, sealing our promise for eternity


I hope you liked it

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