Imagine: Thranduil realizing he loves you as a result of...

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Imagine: Thranduil realizing he loves you as a result of the bond you have with Legolas

Request for: @TyshaDaWolf

This imagine is set in the times of Greenwood, before it fell under the Necromancer's shadow, becoming infested with spiders and orcs, making it Mirkwood.

"That's it," I encouraged Legolas, taking a step back from him "now, hold your arm up a little higher, draw the bow back a little bit farther, and release."

Legolas does exactly as told and strikes the target dead center.

I could not contain my excitement as I shrieked, jumping up as Legolas turned to me, his tiny face streaked with crimson and disbelief.

"You did it!" I laughed as he ran into my open arms "With a little more practice, you'll be the greatest archer in Greenwood."

"Really?" Legolas exhaled incredulously, pulling out of the hug to look into my eyes

"Yes, without a doubt."


Thranduil watched the two from afar, unable to contain his joy from witnessing his son shoot his first target perfectly.

He hastened to his son, eager to congratulate him.


"Ada!" Legolas called, catching sight of his quickly approaching father

Unable to wait for his terse arrival, Legolas took off, latching onto the pillars that were his father's legs.

"I made my first shot, Ada! Did you see?"

"Indeed I did, ion nîn." Thranduil chuckled, placing his hand atop Legolas's golden head "I positively couldn't be prouder." He whispered as he knelt before the little prince

Legolas's heart swelled as his father expressed his pride in him, and he leapt into his arms, burrowing into his chest.

As Legolas's golden head rested upon Thranduil's shoulder, the elvenking caught sight of Y/N picking up the arrows that riddled the floor, smiling softly to himself.

"How about we celebrate this evening, ion nîn?" Thranduil whispered to Legolas, pulling slightly back to gauge his son's pleasure in hearing this

If it was at all possible, Legolas's countenance grew brighter, and he nodded eagerly, earning another chuckle from his father.

"Can Y/N join us, ada?" Legolas asked, immediately adding once he noticed the shift in his father's aura, "I wouldn't have made that shot if it weren't for her."

"I suppose you're right, my leaf. Come,"
He said, lifting the little one into his arms before making his way over to you


I was finishing up gathering Legolas's arrows when I saw Thranduil approaching, carrying my most gifted pupil, his pride radiating

I quickly curtsied, smiling kindly as I handed Legolas his meticulously crafted bow

"Go on, my leaf" Thranduil whispered encouragingly

"I-I was wondering if you would join my ada and I to celebrate my accomplishment." Legolas shyly asked me

I hesitated, before saying "I surely would not want to intrude on your celebratory evening with your father, little one."

"Nonsense." Thranduil interjected "There would be no cause for a celebration if it were not for you, Y/N."

I looked down at my hands, thinking "I will only go if you wish it, Prince Legolas."

"Well, it was Legolas's initial idea." Thranduil chuckled, looking to Legolas who nodded his head in confirmation, smiling from ear to ear

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