Imagine: Thranduil hurting you, part 2

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I had awoken laying on the same velvet couch, trembling.

I strenuously pulled myself up and tears threatened to spill from my eyes again. I had no desire to get up and no desire to show myself to anyone. The pain in my lower back was still very much apparent and I was reminded of my injured wrist when I accidentally applied pressure onto it, the sharp sting drawing a pained yelp from my throat. It wasn't long before I was in tears again.

Suddenly, I could hear someone working at the lock on the other side of the door, the metal intricacies between each knob creaking a soft click as whoever resided outside got one step closer to freeing the lock.

My head turned towards the locked library door and I watched as it began to subtly move inwards. I remained where I sat, sniffling. I was too exhausted physically and emotionally to do anything.

When the door finally opened, I looked up to see the healer rushing to me.

"My lady! We were so worried something happened to you!"

I timidly looked around her to see Thranduil lingering in the doorway. His head was bowed slightly, his shoulders were slumped, and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked as if he had just stopped crying and was moments away from starting to again.

My attention was shifted back to the healer as she kneeled before me. She appeared to already know of my ailments as she immediately got to wrapping my wrist that was already starting to purple, noticeable even in the library's dimness.

"It is a minor sprain, my lady. It shall heal in a few weeks time," she informed me dotingly. "I will give you something for a pain as well."

I nodded, lowering my head. I hadn't bothered to wipe away the remnants the cry I had prior to her entrance.

"Now," she started again, placing her curled forefinger below my chin and gently bringing my head up so that I was looking at her. "I know of the king's transgressions towards you, my dear. I was utterly horrified when he informed me of what had taken place between the both of you, and given I helped raise him when he was just a child, I am disappointed with him to say the least. I still need to examine you, my child, to ensure that you and the child you carry are in good health, but we need to move you to somewhere you will be more comfortable."

She began to smooth my hair as a doting mother would. She suddenly leaned forward and whispered to me-

"I don't want you to strain yourself by walking back to your chambers on foot. Can you bare being in the king's hold for a short while so that he may carry you back. I will keep him out of the room if you wish, my dear."

I looked back at the doorway to see Thranduil had advanced a few feet, then I looked back at the healer.

I sighed and gave her a curt nod.

The way Thranduil's features lit up when the healer told him he could advance could have lit up the entire library.

He rushed to us and didn't hesitate in tenderly placing an arm under my legs and the other around my back, sneaking a soft kiss to my cheek before I could refuse him. I refused to meet his eyes as I draped my arm around his shoulders and he lifted me.

The walk back to our chambers felt painfully slow with Thranduil's eyes never leaving my turned away face, practically boring into me.

He gently set me into our bed and wordlessly adjusted the propped pillow behind my head as the healer left to bring some materials from the medical examination rooms.

This wasn't part of the deal I thought to myself, upset that she left me alone with him, no matter how quickly she said she'd be back.

I refused to look at him, let alone in his direction. I saw him pull the chair from my vanity to the bedside from the corner of my eye. He was moving quickly, conscious of the healer's impending return.

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